Chapter - 32

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The air that caressed our faces was whisper-light

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The air that caressed our faces was whisper-light. It made me miss Gabriel's hands on me. Thinking of him made me look at him beside me as we both lay in the dark, looking at the stars in our park. This place has become a haven for us. Away from all the interruptions and bad times.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", Gabriel questioned, turning his head to look at me when he realised that I have been gazing him instead of the stars.

"Like what?", I volleyed back.

"Like you want me to kiss you so hard that you forget how to even breathe.", he described as he now turned all of him in my direction, and I gasped as my breathing became shallow with my heartbeat increasing.

"Maybe because I do.", I replied in a breathy whisper as my chest rises up and down faster than it normally does. If someone had told me a month ago that we'd both be having this conversation, I'd have laughed in their faces. But now that I am here and getting to know him, I wouldn't want it any other way.

"Fuck. You do?", he confirmed, his nose now skimming my jaw.

"Mhmm.", I whimpered, forgetting how to articulate sensible thoughts. Resting his elbows on the sides of my head, he leaves feather-like kisses all over from my collarbone to my neck and makes his way over to my jaw.

"Gabe.", I let out in a whispered moan.

"God! I love it when you call me that.", he said as he kissed every inch of my face while the thigh of his one leg made its way between mine eliciting a gasp from me.

"Kiss me.", I demanded.

"Anything for you.", and then he slammed his lips to mine. It started soft as I moved my hands to hold the hair at the back of his head. That made him groan making me hold them tighter.

The kiss soon turned heated as our tongues fought for dominance. He moved his hips a little making me lose focus as he used this opportunity to invade my mouth.

I don't know how long we stay at it but soon he started leaving open-mouthed kisses on my neck. "God. You're beautiful.", he muttered, making my heart pound heavily in my chest.

He nipped at my neck followed by licking and sucking the same spot. Then he moved on to the next one and bit harder.

I jolt awake from the dream. Or rather a memory, from a time when I didn't know I was being kept in the dark. But the memory makes me miss him more, reminding how good it felt to be in his arms, how soft his lips were on mine.

God! It's frustrating.

I hate him. And I hate myself even more for missing him even though I hate him.

It's been two days since I last met him, saw him or even heard him. But the reminders of him never cease. Neither does the reminder of his betrayal.

No matter whatever I try to think or believe, it hurts so fucking bad. And it hurts even more because I still miss the warmth of his body on mine.

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