Chapter - 15

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The surroundings fill with everyone cheering for Gabriel

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The surroundings fill with everyone cheering for Gabriel. But when I glance at him, his expressions say otherwise. He doesn't look happy or excited instead looks kind of annoyed.

I even hear him say that he did not sign up for it, so I wonder who did. But I couldn't actually care less so I let it slide.

He makes his way to the stage and accept the crown and says a, 'Thank you' on the mic.'

Next, the principal announces for the home-coming queen, which no doubt would be Samantha.

"Our home-coming queen is...."

I already find Samantha flipping her hair and walking toward the stage.

"...Ahana Stokes."

Wait! What!?

I wasn't ready for this. I guess I heard it wrong. But when my friends push me and my name is announced again, I finally accept that it's me.

Still in shock, I make my way to the stage and awkwardly accept the crown. And from the corner of my eyes, I can see a really pissed Samantha. I cannot believe how much of a bad luck I actually have.

Then the crowd starts chanting, "DANCE...DANCE...DANCE!!"

"My life cannot suck more...ugh", I murmur to myself.

"Trust me, Bombshell, you're lucky to have gotten a chance to dance with me. Other girls would kill for it.", Gabriel comes from behind me.

"I would kill myself too instead of having to dance with you. Unlucky me, suicide is a sin and so is murder.", I retort and he shows off his signature smirk again.

He steps down the stage and holds out his hand for me to take it. But I walk past it, "I'm capable of helping myself.", the smirk was on my face this time and he scoffs.

We both reach in the middle of the crowd and hold each other. All of the attention is on us and it makes me nervous. But as our eyes look into each other's, everything around me fades into nothing and all I can focus is on his fathomless green eyes. I didn't even realize when we started dancing.

He brings me back to reality, "Bombshell".


That's when I hear, "KISS...KISS...KISS!!"

"I have to kiss you, Ahana."

"No! Never in a million years would I kiss you again."

"Seems like you would, considering what happened a while ago."

"So, you do remember our first kiss?", I catch on to his words.

He doesn't respond, instead looks anywhere but at me.

"Shit! You do." I am beyond angry. "You freakin' humiliated me and lied about it. You made me look desperate. You made me feel so bad, Gabriel."

I try so hard to hold back my tears. But they betray me too. People around us still cheer for us to kiss. Before I could take a step back and get out of his grasp, I am jerked back by Samantha. This bitch!

"You do not kiss Gabriel!", she screams at me, but before she could say anything else somebody holds onto my arm and swirls me around as I hit a hard chest.

I look up to see Cameron's hazel eyes. We find ourselves in the similar position as I was in with Gabriel. Before I could say anything, he leans in close to my ear and say so only I can hear him, "I heard your conversation with Gabriel about the kiss. Trust me."

And so, I do. At least for that moment. He is saving me the from all the humiliation. Soon we fall into a rhythm and start slow dancing and the crowd again demands for us to kiss.

He looks down at me, "May I?" and I nod my head though slightly hesitant.

He leans in closer and plants just a peck to my lips, respecting me and my emotions. And to say I was baffled would be an understatement. I am so grateful to him for not just saving me and my reputation but also showing reverence to my honour.

His sincerity makes my eyes tear up again which he notices and gives me an honest smile. "You look pretty while crying too.", he comments wiping the slipped tears with the pad of his thumb.

And his statement makes me laugh a little through my tears. "Thank you", is all I say which earns me one pearly white smile.

Soon everybody starts dancing around us and we make our way to one of the corners.

"I'm sorry.", Cameron says looking over as we stand away from everyone.

"Why are you apologizing?", I question, confused.

"Gabriel's a good person. He just doesn't act as one that often."

His defensive attitude for Gabriel makes me internally groan. I am so fucking tired of everyone trying to convince me that he's a good person. Then why can't he freakin' act like one?! Why does he always have to be dismissive about others' feelings?! Why can't he be polite to those around him?! There can be no such reason in this whole goddamn world which gives you the license to be a cold-ass person to everyone around. There's no excuse for that, no justification.

"That does not mean shit.", I reply curtly and stride out the doors of the premises.


The next morning, I wake up to hundreds of messages.

I am not ready to deal with the drama just yet. Thinking about yesterday makes me feel like throwing up, like literally. I rush to my bathroom and empty the contents. My insides feel like they are on fire and head is pounding like crazy.

I groan from the pounding and somehow manage to freshen up.

Not feeling like eating something I just gulp down a glass of juice I find in the fridge.

Lying down on my bed I thank God for the day being a Sunday. But before I can relish the quietness, my door burst open and there stand in all their mighty glory, Sierra Rodrigo and Kylie Grey.

"Somebody spiked the drinks with alcohol yesterday.", are the first words that leave Sierra's mouth.

What on this earth? Holy shit!

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