11 | Not up for negotiating

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"Also can't." Ezra didn't offer any further explanation, but Noah liked his message.

"I'm free." I typed out. "Where to?"

"Idk, just walk around campus for the heck of it and maybe spend our life savings." Was the only answer provided by Yousef.

Wyatt replied to Ezra's chat. "Why are you even here? You don't even play vb. Also, no life = going out with friends. I have no life."

Wyatt, Ezra and Forrest were their own trio during grade 9 and until now. Surprise, surprise, we don't use shit like 'freshman' or 'sophomore'. How can Americans even memorise that?

Bonded over beach volleyball after our graduation at the beach. We knocked a volleyball into Ezra's head and nearly started a fight. Fuck, we might've gotten into one if it weren't for those stupid graduation gowns. I never said it was a good idea to play in those anyway.

We probably looked like Disney princesses trying to catch a firefly.

"He asked me to add him bc he felt left out." I wrote that without hesitation with a smile on my face.

"You didn't have to expose me like THAT." I only smirked even harder.

Forrest picked that time to join the conversation. "I can't at night but I'll go during lunch or smth like that."

"Ooh, plans with your girl?" Ezra asked, adding an unneeded emoji.

I could feel his eyeroll through the screen. "Not like you're required to know, but yes."

I left my phone on the counter and prepared to go to bed.

I didn't bother to change or anything like that. After a week of non-stop school, the tiredness caught up with me. The second I hit the bed, I allowed the darkness to consume me.

𑁍 • 𑁍 • 𑁍


I found myself stretching in my own bed. I reached for my bottle of water to assist the dryness in my throat. Right beside my water, I spotted a note stuck onto the bedside table. 

I sat up and still felt the material of Grayson's clothes draped on my body. My head spun and my vision swam.

I hope you slept well. Keep the clothes.  

Am I sure this was from Grayson? Because this isn't the Grayson I knew.

I scanned my room, just in case, and I slipped the note into my desk for safe keeping.

I moved to the washroom and washed my face, brushing away my hair that were stuck onto my face. I took a bit of Tylenol for my headache. Thank goodness it's a Saturday.

"So this is how fucking bad I looked." I muttered to myself in the mirror.  

I hummed to myself as I changed into clothes one after a quick shower.

I stayed in the washroom after and accepted a group call with Josie, Val and Alaina. We talked for a few hours and I told them about how California was. How sometimes the beaches aren't always  perfect with clear oceans and soft sand. I said I didn't miss it at all and none of these prodded me for it. 

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