Oh shit, I didn't even connect the dots that since Katherine had the cure, they didn't.

"That was a poetic way to put it, Damon."

"There's not really any other way to put it."

At least the sire bond was gone now, or I assumed it was since the whole bond was based on making one person happy, and if Elena didn't care, she wouldn't care if Damon was happy or not.

"So you've just given up now?" I ask but Damon just shrugs. "Ok, fun, well I'm going to love you and leave you to go find Elijah so we can leave."

"You two are back together again?" He asks me with a raised brow, and I realise Elena had slipped out.

"Yep. Better than ever. I think you need to go find Elena, though. No humanity vampires are like toddlers."

Damon quickly whips his head around and groans. "I feel like I'm turning into Stefan," he mutters, making me laugh.

"I'll see you later, D."

I exited the Salvatore house and drive over to Klaus' place, only to find it empty.

Dialling Elijah, I look around the place. It was still as nice, though I knew that since it was unchanged since the last time I was here.

Elijah didn't pick up, but I just assumed he turned his phone off.

"Who are you?" I hear. Turning around, I see the same werewolf I saw at the Miss Mystic pageant.

I give her a small smile, though not one that met my eyes, since I still, obviously, didn't know her. "Morrigan. And you are?"

"Hayley," she says warily. "Your Klaus' brother's girlfriend... right?"

"My reputation precedes me," I mutter. "Does Klaus talk about me?" I laugh, and if Hayley's answer was what I hoped it would be, I planned to mock Klaus relentlessly.

"Not really," she shrugs. Shit. "He did mention you were like a witch, though."

"Close enough," I shrug. "Is he here? I need to talk to him."

"No, I, uh, think he went with his brother to a bar or something," she says and I huff. "Something about brother bonding."

"You seem like a smart girl, but I'm just going to let you know, it's rarely bonding when it comes to Klaus."

"Believe me, I know but I'm not about to get in his way when he's protecting me."

"Protecting you?" I ask and her eyes widen only a fraction. "Why would a young werewolf like yourself need protecting?"

"How do you know I'm a werewolf?" Hayley asks but I just give her a lopsided smile.

"Witch trick, now answer the question."

"I made a deal with Katherine Pierce and it seems her reputation didn't precede her," she says with a shrug and I chuckle.

"Aw, hon, don't worry, it's a mistake we all make at one point or the other," I laugh.

"You made a deal with her too?"

"Of course not," I scoff. "I'm way older, we just used to be closer."

"I thought you were a witch?"

"I am," I say. "But I'm also a vampire."

"I-" she starts but cuts herself off. "I'm not even going to ask."

HAYLEY and I had a good little chat, but I was getting sick of this one trick-pony town, so I left and went to find Elijah.

I started at the Grill since it was the most popular bar, but that proved useless, so I checked a few less prevalent bars but still to no avail.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now