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Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1444

HE was close. I knew he was, Morrigan knew he was, but she seemed too calm about it.

As if she already knew what she was going to do.

We were currently in the north of Italy, and while it was nice here, the oncoming threat to Morrigan and her child put me and my siblings off any sort of carefree activity.

"What are you thinking about?" Rebekah comes up behind me, standing in the doorway, though when I turned, I could see she was talking to Morrigan.

"Life," the latter says, and even I knew that was simplifying it tenfold.

"I do that quite a bit," my sister admits, sitting on the cushion opposite Morrigan. "I watch you with Rosalie and I think of how different it would be if I never turned. If my mother never performed that spell." She says absentmindedly and Mor nods understandingly.

"It's a funny thing, our brains." She says softly, gazing sadly at her daughter's toy and my sister nods.

I hear loud but tiny footsteps running towards us and I turn, though out of the corner of my eyes I see Morrigan lowering into a crouching position. "Hey baby girl. Where have you wbeen?" She says, picking up Rose and Rebekah comes closer to stroke her untameable hair.
"Nik taught me to slip stones." She says and both Morrigan and I chuckle at the mispronunciation.

My younger brother comes over to me and whispers in my ear about unusual storm clouds and I nod, wondering what was so unusual about them?

"Do you mean skip stones?" Her mother asks but she was uninterested in her, struggling out of her arms.

She puts the child down and I walk closer to the group.

"Niklaus says he sees thunder clouds, we should probably head inside." I say, looking around for Rosalie but she was no where to be seen.

"Rose?" Mor says, also noticing the abscence of her daughter. She walks outside and goes around a pillar, but it's like Rosalie had completely vanished, as I couldn't find her either.

"We'll find her," Rebekah says from a few metres away before speeding off.

I walk around the garden, calling her name but I hear no response

It was several minutes before I found Rosalie, and by then she was sitting against a tree, awfully pale and coughing.

"Rose, what happened?" I ask but she just coughs again, her little heart thumping rapidly against her chest.

"Mama..." She says.

"Rebekah!" I shout at the top of my lungs and a mere second later, she was beside me, a worried expression covered her face.

"What happened?" She akss, gently picking the girl up.

"I don't know, but I need you to play nurse maid. I think somethings happened to Morrigan."

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now