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Morrigan Brooks

Flashback to 1436

In the grand scheme of things, why would it matter if we got rid of our coven? My father had asked me this yesterday and I was still looking for the answer. Why would it matter?

They killed my mother, they tried to kill my father and Louis Gresten told me that he overheard some elders talking about my father.

He didn't tell me what about, and I'm not sure if he even knew, but if the elders talked, it was rarely good.

Fathers plan was quite simple: Pretend to accept their apologies about accusing him of dark magic, pretend to agree with their accusations against my mother, and ruin them from the inside.

He said we could rule the world on our own. He said that 'all is fair in love and war' and after analysing that sentence in my head, I agreed with him. Mostly. I'm still not completely sure what it means.

"Pearl, I have found a way," father bursts through the door with newfound confidence in his voice. "I have found a way for you to be my daughter forever."

"I will always be your daughter, father," I say with a fond smile but he shakes his head with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I mean forever. We will live forever."

"You- how did you find this?" I say cautiously, worried about the ingenuity of the 'way' because I've checked. There is no spell that hasn't gone drastically wrong.

"It was right under our noses this entire time," he laughs. "It's not the longevity we need to worry about, it is our magic we should have been worrying about, so I went through the family bibles, and guess what your great-great-grandmother found out all those years ago?" He asked, and I was slightly concerned and confused because I had never seen him this happy. Never.

"What, father?" I ask slowly.

"Our bloodline has a connection to nature that cannot be broken. It dates back almost a millennium."

"So what must we do, father?" I ask and he gives me a soft but slightly pitiful smile.

"I will tell you in due time."

End of flashback

AS it turns out, I was excellent at procrastinating. I unpacked everything in my suitcase from my London trip, cleaned my entire house, even though it was already pretty spotless, and now I was on a call with Emilie and Eliza, walking along a random street in Richmond, where Elijah was.

It had been a week or so since I returned from New Orleans and I had spent that whole time in Mystic Falls avoiding Klaus and Rebekah like the plague, and I would know since I lived through a plague, though the latter had now left to go to Canada of all places with Damon, Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, and some others, though I didn't care enough to ask who.

They might be back, but again, I didn't care enough.

"What do you mean, you haven't been to see him yet? He's obsessed with you, go jump his bones!" Eliza exclaims over the phone and I roll my eyes.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ