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Elijah Mikaelson

Flashback to 1443

Morrigan was struggling. I could tell. She had bitten her nails as far as they could and she never lets Rosalie, her now two-year-old daughter, out of her sight to an obsessive level.

Not even with Rebekah.

"Elijah, you talk to her. Nik and I have both tried. Hell, even Kol's tried but she won't tell us what in the world has her so freaked out." Rebekah whispers to me as we both watch Morrigan pick up her now toddler and rub her hands over her face in exhaustion.

"What makes you think she'll listen to me?" I ask though I was considering it.

"Just do it, please!" My sister says and I nod. I walk over to the mother with a cautious smile.

"Mor? Let me take Rosalie and come talk to me." I start and she rolls her eyes.

"'Lijah, your siblings already tried. I promise, there's nothing."

"Give me your word," I say and she freezes.

"What?" She says quickly and I just smile.

"Give me your word that there's nothing going on in that head of yours," I say, smug about this strategy.

"Rosy and I have things we need to do, I'll talk to you in a bit, Elijah." She says, going to walk away, but I catch her arm.

"Put Rosalie down, let's go for a walk," I say and she does what I say, though keeps a grip on her hand. "Rebekah can babysit for ten minutes." She looks as if she's going to protest, but decides against it and calls my sister.

When she takes the child, she gives me a look that I don't want to dive into but it looked like something along the lines of 'how did you get her to cave?'

We walk out to the gardens and all the way out to the hedge maze at the back corner of the gardens before she starts talking.

"I was in town, two weeks ago, and I saw Rosalie's father." She says and I was nothing short of shocked.

"I thought you said he was dead," I say and she looks like she's fighting tears.

"He is- or was. I literally saw his body. I touched it and it was so cold, so my only options right now are that I was set up and the father of my child faked his death, or he's a vampire. Neither of those options is good."

"I know it's bad that you saw him but... why is it bad you saw him?" I ask slowly.

"He thinks- or thought, she was dead. Something about complications right after she was born. I told you how he 'died', right? How he provoked a werewolf alpha? Well, that was after I gave birth, and Ros has that goddamn birthmark on her face. If it weren't for that, we would be in the clear." I nod, knowing the heart-shaped mark on her cheek.

"Why is it so bad? He hasn't bothered you again, has he?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"It's bad because he's going to my father." She says and the tears finally come down. "Jace, Rosy's father, he was a witch but not a very good one, so when he came after Ros and me I could easily fight him off crying for his mother, but my father... you don't even know how absolutely fucking crazy he is." Her voice cracked as she said that.

"But you're super powerful, right? And plus you've got all of us backing you up."

"Elijah... where do you think I got the power from? And that's not even the extent of it. He goes to our ancestor's death sites and he consecrates power from them because he ran out of living relatives to do so. I got out in time before he tried to do it to me, but if he even sees Rosalie, he will take her, and quite literally raise her as a lamb for slaughter."

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now