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omg 30k reads is actually insane, i love you guys sm

and just for that here's this extremely fluffy and not at all angsty ch🤞

Morrigan Brooks

"How?" I stutter out. "How did you take them without me knowing?"

"How? Well, pearl, that's kind of the point of you not remembering" he says, with a cynical laugh. "Before you unceremoniously stole my power, I did a tiny immortality spell, so it's going to take more than a little bit than that to kill me. I will say, though, the hypocrisy you displayed is astounding. Using the spell to harvest my power when that's what you were trying to stop me from doing."

"Necessity," I say quietly, trying to formulate a plan.

"Yes, well, no hard feelings. Mostly. But onto why I'm here." He starts to circle me like a vulture. "To my understanding, you have spent this past summer looking for a way to find your missing memories. Tragic, that little predicament."

"Why did you take them?" I ask, wondering what I did that drove him to that big of a measure.

"Why? Revenge, obviously, pearl." He says in a sickly sweet tone. "First you take what is rightfully mine, then you run away with those Mikaelsons." He says the surname like it was poison on his tongue. "And then you kill me. You rip my heart out."

"Like you said. No hard feelings." I say, trying to get up but his magic slams me back onto the ground.

"Now. I have gotten word that you are finally happy... so I've come to wreck that."


"Your boyfriend. A little old for you, I must say, pearl. Elijah Mikaelson. Did you know, you two knew each other way back when. In fact, you knew the whole family."

"What are you-?" He cuts me off.

"You were engaged to what his brother described as your soulmate." He chuckles, while I am further confused. "So naturally, I had to take away what was yours, as you took away what's mine."

"It wasn't yours to take," I whisper but he just laughs.

"It was. You weren't married so you were mine as was the child." He reaches into his pocket. "Never mind about that though. Water under the bridge. It's so far under the bridge, I thought I might give you back what I took," he says, revealing what was in his pocket.

A piece of paper.

"Are you going to read me the Miranda rights?" I ask, more than slightly nervous about what he has in store.

He says nothing, and while I expected a blow, nothing came.

Instead, he starts muttering a spell, too low for me to hear, and the paper starts to glow purple. Just as my dreams said in 1931. Just as Gianna Foreles said.

"What is-" I start but he cuts me off.

"Poor girl, still waiting for her happy ending," he says and not going to lie, that hit home. Not sure why, since it wasn't a very good burn, but it just did. "I must warn you, this will sting."

Sting was an understatement. It was the worst pain I had ever endured. Like a thousand knives were stabbing me. Like I was being dipped in a vat of molten metal but suffering frostbite at the same time. Like-

I couldn't think of any examples. All I could think of was the pain.

After I don't know how long, the pain subsided to a dull throb. I was lying on my side on the concrete floor, and a single tear dripped from my eye.

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Where stories live. Discover now