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Morrigan Brooks 

Flashback to 1439

I was seven months along in my pregnancy and I was getting sick of it. Don't get me wrong, I loved my baby with my whole heart and would do anything for her, but being pregnant was getting old. Especially having to hide it constantly. 

"Morrigan, I need you to go to the markets and get me mugwort and carnation," my father demands, coming into the house and I don't deign to reply, just nod before getting up from my seat. "And when you get back, you'll put up more wards. The last ones are fading."

"Yes, Father," I say, leaving as quickly as I can. 

I get the herbs from the market and come back to find he was gone.

I thanked the spirits as I put up the wards. These specific wards were extremely taxing. If it were up to me, I would do easier ones, but at this point, exactly three things were up to me: What I wear, how I do my hair and what I eat, because those three things didn't directly concern my father. Anything other than those, he dictated, for example, how wards were to be put up.

For some reason, I always had to start on the north side of the house. 

"Muros ne mortuos quidem aut inmortuos sine sanguine perrumpunt," I mutter. Repeating it a dozen times before moving to the south side and repeating that same incantation another dozen times. 

After the two dozen repeats of the spell, I felt dizzier than usual, and dizziness meant passing out, which meant my cloaking spell quite possibly failing, which meant probably the end of my life. 

I stumbled from our property and into the woods. I was on a familiar path. To the Mikaelsons.

They were my best friends and they didn't even know about the baby. 

I kept stumbling, unable to find my footing before finally seeing their door that was, in my opinion, way too big, but to be fair, they had a pretty big house to go with it.

I got to the door and knocked, and just when I thought I was in the clear, my vision started to get spotty, before I feel my knees buckle and everything went dark.

"BUT why wouldn't she tell us?" I hear a feminine voice faintly say as if I were underwater. My vision was slowly coming back, though it was still spotty, and very blurry. "And how on earth did she hide it?"

"Maybe she doesn't even know," I hear a new voice say. A more masculine one this time. The voices were becoming more and more familiar, though I still couldn't see them. "I heard about a woman who woke up nine months pregnant because someone else thought her baby was the messiah and the mother was dying, so she planted it into someone else."

"Kol, I think she would know if a baby got planted in her," the female voice said. 

"Then why else would she pass out?" The other voice said. 

𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒂𝒚 | Elijah Mikaelson [1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat