As the Blood Dries

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A/N - Thank you for the 13.3k reads!


I am dragged through the faculty door and down the hallway, up a staircase straight up into Dumbledore's office. I stopped fighting as soon as we entered the hallway and the door shut.

I should have broke his neck.

It was Snape and Moody who had grabbed me off the white haired boy. Both their hands holding tight like I might try and make a break for it.

We entered the large office. It was empty.

The two professors aggressively sat me down in the chair facing the Headmaster's desk. I could feel the blood starting to dry on my face. My breaths still heavy from the fight.

My hand are throbbing. They beat at the same pace that I was hitting the other boy. Punch after punch. 

It felt so good.

I here the door open and shut behind me. "WHAT in Merlin's name is going on?! Assaulting another student?! Have you lost your mind.?!"


I have nothing to say.

My blank expression did not waver as she rounded the chair to look me in the face.

I have not. He should be dead.

"Are you not ashamed of yourself?!"


I do not respond to her questions. Nothing will help me now, best not add to the problem.

"Now Minerva, let's hear the story behind what happened. Maybe the boy was provoked."

Dumbledore had appeared from thin air behind the desk.

"No, he attacked the Malfoy boy. Completely unwarranted." Moody replied.

What the hell? I mean technically yes but..

We need to come to an agreement on a punishment immediately. Maybe even expulsion." McGonagall said, looking at the teachers around the room.

"No." Dumbledore said curtly.

"I think you should be more worried about him destroying the reputation of your house." Moody suggested.

"What?" She snapped her gaze to him.

"He already gave Gryffindor the title of the first house to have a student fail a year, now he is running around assaulting people..."

"What are you suggesting?" She looked shell shocked.

"I think he should be resorted. I don't think he belongs there." Moody's face was sincere.

What is he doing?

"That has never been done before!" The Headmistress breathes were starting to quicken.

I sat there without a word, staring blankly at the desk in front of me.

"That does not mean that is not an option." Moody looked up at Dumbledore.

There was a few seconds of silence. The old man was thinking.

"He is correct, there is a procedure, a majority vote of school leadership." The Headmaster confessed.

"What's the harm? If he is in the right house he will just stay where he is." Moody shrugged his shoulders.

"And if he isn't?" McGonagall replied.

"Then move him. Let's be honest, he needs to be reevaluated. Depending on the result he can be more properly watched.


"I have to agree with Alastor, Minerva." Dumbledore gave in.

I shifted my gaze for the first time since I entered the room, looking up at Moody to my right.

[Thought redacted]

Hermione POV

We sat at the table for dinner. I was picking at my food.

Maybe they expelled him?

I still couldn't process what I had seen early that morning.

"I knew it!" Ron said loudly. I looked up at him.

He was looking up front, towards the faculty table.

There he was. Being escorted through the door and down the stairs.

Murmurs took over the room.

No. It can't....

He was wearing a Slytherin tie.

It Was Always Going to End This WayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant