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It was late in the boys dorm room and my eyelids were starting to fall involuntarily as I was trying to finish the chapter I was reading for History of Magic. Harry and Ron were moving around the room in silence, clearly Ron was still upset. The tension between the two boys made the whole room uncomfortable.

Ron finally breaks the silence asking "How did you do it?" He looks over at Harry who is now sitting on the end of his bed. Harry says nothing as he looks up at Ron.

"Never mind. Doesn't matter." He says in a disgusted tone walking towards his own bed.

"Might have let your best friend know, though."

Harry whips his head around towards him. "Let you know what?" He snaps at Ron.

This whole conversation is childish.

Ron turns looking over his head at Harry. "You know bloody well what."

"I didn't ask for this to happen, Ron." Harry snaps again. "Okay?" He says calmer. "You're being stupid."

"Yeah that's me." Rons replies quickly. "Ron Weasly, Harry Potter's stupid friend." Ron climbs into his bed getting under the covers.

"I didn't put my name in that cup. I don't want eternal glory. I just wanna be...look, I don't know what happened tonight, and I don't know why. It just did. Okay?" Harry says, sounding like he really just wanted one normal day in his life.

"Well Y/N what do you think?" Ron asks, looking over at me. Harry is now watching me as well.

Why did I need to be brought into this?

I think for a second. "I don't know man, everything is weird right now. I could be anything I don't know what to believe." I say closing my book and lying down hoping they wouldn't ask me anything else.

That was a lie. I believed that Harry was telling the truth. Dumbledore was sure that there was something going on and I agreed with him. He had wanted to talk about looking for signs of death eaters in the school. He knew my past and wasn't afraid to ask me to use it. But I didn't need to say what I really thought and drive a further rift between Hermione's friends.

Both boys got further into bed, then I could hear Ron mutter "Piss off" at Harry under his breath.

Whatever. I just needed to get some sleep.


People have been assuming that I don't support Harry due to the fact I have been seen hanging around Ron and not Harry, but the truth is that I am around whoever Hermione is around.

I don't really talk to anyone else, but that's fine because she fills all those holes in my life for me. I have nothing against her friends but I really only hang out with them because it seems to make Hermione happy.

Maybe I should get a friend that's my own.

We are currently walking through the woods on a path down to the lake where I can see Harry and Neville. Neville waves when he sees us. Hermione is leading the group walking next to Ron, slightly pulling me behind her, our hands intertwined, Ginny is walking quietly behind me. Hermione is quietly yelling at Ron to tell whatever he has to say to Harry himself. They are arguing back and forth as we get closer.

We stop walking a little distance away from the water as Harry stands up.

Hermione turns around asking Ron what he wanted her to say again.

She is annoyed with this and the whole thing is starting to bother me.

Ron says something in a low tone and Hermione turns towards Harry letting go of my hand.

She walks towards Harry and he moves a little towards her, the rest of the group stands in place.

I don't like how she is being used in this situation.This is between them, no one else.

"Ronald would like me to tell you, that Seamus told him, that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you." She says, sounding confused herself.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. What is this? The telephone game?

"Is that right? Well yo-...what?" Harry says back.

Oh JESUS CHRIST. I shake my head.

"Uh..um.." Hermione makes her way back to Ron quickly.

She looks stressed out. She doesn't need this.

"Are you sure you won't do this?" She whispers to Ron.

"Do it." He whispers back. She heads back to Harry.

I should stop this.

"Dean was..told by Parvati that...please don't ask me to say it again." She pleaded to Harry. "Hagrid's looking for you." She turns and starts heading up the slight hill towards me.

"Well. you can tell Ronald–" Harry begins. Hermione whips around to look at him angrily.

"I'M NOT AN OWL!" she yells at him.

"Herm-" Harry and Ron start at the same time.

That's It.

"That's enough!" I cut in. "Leave her out of this or I will bring myself into it."

I walk to Hermione, grab her hand and pull her back up the path with me. When we are out of eye sight I slow down. She catches up walking next to me, hand still tightly gripping mine. "Thank you." she says softly kissing my cheek.

"Anytime." I say matching the smile staring at me.

**A/N - Thank you for the 1.5K reads! Also I didn't like this chapter that much but I still wanted to write it. <3**

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