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*Child Abuse TW *


I woke up screaming. Not in my head. Out loud.

It was one dream. I hated that dream.

It was him, dragging me back down to the basement to beat me till I screamed and cried. I was paralyzed, there was nothing I could do.

I realized that I didn't wake up on my own. She had woken me up. She was across the room now. The other boys had either gone back to sleep or where pretending to be.

I propped myself up on my elbows. I was sweating and still breathing hard. She didn't look at me, instead she looked down.

"Harry came and told me you were moaning in your sleep.....I figured you were having your dream again." She said. She was still looking down at the floor, arms crossed swaying a little. Like she felt bad but was still mad at me.

Mad at me? Mad at me. Hmm...why was she mad at me?

I shook my head away from trying to remebmber.

"Yeah..." I said "thanks."

She nodded and started to walk away.

"Wait." "Stay...." I said quietly

She stopped and shifted her jaw as if she was thinking.

"I don't really remember anything, and I probably said something really dumb and hurtful and I'm sorry." I stated honestly. She couldn't tell but I was still shaking.

That dream really gets to me.

"Please stay..." I said.

She looked at me. I was sober. I was weak. I was vulnerable.

It was embarrassing.

But it was enough. She walked towards me and I scooted over to give her room. I didn't touch her, I didn't want to do something wrong.

She got settled and looked at me again. I was on my side, on my elbow looking at her. She reached out and placed her hand on my head pulling it towards her and laying it down on the chest.

"You did say something really hurtful...and I'm hoping it was all just to upset me and not really the truth. But with you...I never know." She said. I could feel the vibrations of her words and how her voice cracked on certain words.

"I'll let you know when I remember what I said." I said almost as a whisper.

Time passed, I was still awake but not for long.



"I need you..."

I didn't hear what she said, I was back asleep.

Hermione POV

I couldn't sleep, not with his words echoing in my head.

He had lied to me, over and over. He didn't care either; this was all a game to him. This was the last straw. I wasn't going to do this to myself when I would only end up getting hurt.

Hours passed as I just laid there. I was going to have a rough first day of classes.

I heard a knock on the door. A light knock. Must be a boy. It better not be him.

I stand up and walk towards the door and open it a crack.

"Harry?" I said opening the door a little more.

"Hey, I know you're not happy with y/n at the moment, but I thought you would want to know that he's moaning in his really loud, it woke most of us up but we didn't know what to do." He said nervously, ringing his hands together looking at the ground.

I take a deep breath.

Stupid boy.

"I'll go wake him up." I said in a blank tone. Me and Harry walk towards the boys' dorms and I can see him shifting in his sleep. He wasn't moaning anymore but he was still having his dream.

He had told me about his dream last year when I wouldn't leave him alone about not sleeping. He had given up and told me. I was the first person he had ever opened up to, I think. When he told me I couldn't help but feel sorry for him and that upset him. "I don't need any pity. It's something I always lived with, it's not that bad." He had told me before walking out.

But it was that bad, he always woke up sweating and screaming, tears almost falling down his face.

I reached my hand out touching his shoulder, I moved it softly and he jolted awake with a scream.

I moved away. I couldn't look at him like this or all my anger would melt away and he would have me back without any repercussions.

"Harry came and told me you were moaning in your sleep.....I figured you were having your dream again." I said looking down at my feet.

"Yeah..." he said "thanks."

I nodded and started to walk away.

"Wait." Stay...." He said quietly, his voice slightly breaking

I stopped.

I really shouldn't stay. He lied to me. On purpose.

"I don't really remember anything, and I probably said something really dumb and hurtful and I'm sorry." He stated, somewhat honestly I think.

He asked me to stay. In his sober, vulnerable way he had asked me to stay and even said please and apologized.

I couldn't say no.

I laid down with him and tried to get him to fall back asleep.

"You did say something really hurtful...and I'm hoping it was all just to upset me and not really the truth. But with you I never know." I said. I could feel my emotions rise as I spoke causing my voice to crack on certain words.

I wish he didn't affect me this much.

"I'll let you know when I remember what I said." He said clearly starting to fall asleep .

I ran my hands through his hair. He shouldn't be able to win me back over this easily.


"Mmm?" I hummed back

"I need you..."

I didn't know what to say back to that but it didn't matter because he had fallen asleep again, his breaths evening out.

He needed me.

We had feelings for each other and we knew that. We had talked about it. But we weren't together.

His arms moved around me as he slept. Holding on as if he was afraid I'd leave him. I thought about all the things I was going to say to him in the morning and how I was going to make it clear I wasn't going to chase him around all year while he was careless.

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