Trust or Blackmail?

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It has been a month since I switched houses. I hate to say it but it's been getting easier to ignore her. Like my brain was slowly getting use to her not being around anymore. It made me feel sick if I thought about it to much.

I was coming back from detention with Moody. I had made one to many smart remarks during his lesson again and he always felt the need to make an example of me.

I was taking the route along the back of the school. No one really came this way, it was a longer walk and not the cleanest of outdoor hallways. It has become a habit to walk this way to avoid running into her as much. She seem to just always be there, I don't know who it hurts more when the unintended encounters occur. 

My stomach felt like a rock. I know I already don't eat much but now just the thought of food consumption makes me feel sick. Even reminding myself that this was what was best for her didn't numb the feeling anymore.

I learned the back routes of Hogwarts quicky my first year. Sometimes the close quarters and noise of the crowed hallways where just to overstimulating.

"You are a utter shame to this family! Do you hear me! We would shun you if it wouldn't cause so much attention!" the voice caught my attention. It echoed down the stone walls. It was coming from around the corner up on my left.

The voice belonged to someone older. He was trying to whisper but the clear anger in his voice was winning.

I quieted my footsteps and got closer. Another thing I had mastered my first year. Having silent footsteps on stone floors was not easy but It was extremely useful.

"Yes sir." The voice was familiar, but softer. Almost child like.

There was no way it was a professor throwing a fit. He said something about family?

I made it to the corner and pressed my back up against the wall. After a second I pulled away from the wall and swatted down to waist level. If you made a noise people looked at eyes level not down. Carefully looking around the edge of the wall my eyes caught the gleam of white hair.


As I watch the older man began to stomp off in the other direction. The clicking of his cane getting quieter.

 I moved back around the corner and stood up. Interesting. I rounded the corner and saw the younger Malfoy still standing there.

He was standing in the middle of the hallway staring down at his feet. His hands where clinched in fists at his sides. He looked almost if he was fighting off tears, his breathes moving his whole body.

He finally noticed my presence, quickly wiping away tear streaming down his face.

"Don't tell anyone." He said lowly. He was looking at my feet now.

He was to embarrassed to meet my gaze. 

This makes sense now. His bullying behavior. Nurture not nature. Good to know.

"I won't." I said sincerely. I learned against the wall slightly, my arms crossed.

He looked up at me trying to tell if I was lying. After a few moment he walked towards me and I rolled off the wall and followed him as he passed me.

We walked towards the stairs leading down to the common room, no other words were spoken about it.


I was sitting on the grass next to Blaise and Mattheo. My school issued broom was laying next to me. The rest of the Slytherin gang was scattered around talking to various people. 

It Was Always Going to End This WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora