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I scan the bleachers, searching through the sea of students for a particular pair of chocolate eyes. They seemed to me missing.

I could see Fred and George either taking bets or selling something that was probably contraband but who am I to stop them...in fact I'd most likely be participating in whatever they were doing if I wasn't stuck with the teachers.

I'm currently sitting in the very front row thanks to Snape. He must have been worried I'd try and slip out the back, which is correct.

This caused me to be squished between Hagrid and Professor sprout. It wasn't bad at first but the cold breeze hitting my face was getting to me. That and I should have gone to the bathroom first like Hermione told me to.

I really should listen to her more.... Where is she? She's never late to anything and she walked me here..?

"Are you ready for this?! Oh it's going to be great!" Hagrid says loudly over the crowd. I nod my lips forming a line.

I don't really care for all this challenge, task or whatever they are calling it but Hermione does because of Harry...so here I am.

God. I feel so tired. My eyelids are like cinder blocks. I can't even cause a distraction to ditch this place because Snape took my wand so I wouldn't "Have the chance to cause problems and embarrass the school."

The cold breeze was picking up and I could feel it in my bones. My whole body was shaking.

"Would you like to borrow my coat? I'm a little warm myself." Hagrid offers, looking over at me, motioning towards the huge fur coat on his person.

"No thanks, I'm alright." I trail off as I catch Hermione moving towards Ron and Luna in my peripheral vision.

Where was she?

She sits down and the huge crowd around her erupts in cheers as a large blueish/brownish dragon is released from behind a massive steel door.

Holy. Shit.

There was a noticeable shackle around the dragon's neck to keep it from flying off.

"Swedish Short-snout" I hear Hagrid whisper to himself.

"Welcome to the first task of the Triwizard Tournament!" was announced loudly. "Each champion will face their own dragon and attempt to steal a golden egg placed somewhere in the arena. All magic is allowed, good luck champions."

The arena erupts loudly in response to the announcement.

"The first champion will be Cedric Diggory for Hogwarts facing the famed Swedish Short-snout!"

The crowd starts chanting "Diggory! Diggory!" as Cedric walks out the tent, wand in hand. Taking in his surroundings he starts looking around for the egg.

Who came up with this challenge? It's kinda dumb...like it doesn't really prove wizarding skill does it? It is just how fast your brain reacts to fight or flight?!

Cedric managed to get his egg fairly quickly by turning one of the rocks into a dog and distracting the dragon just long enough to get the egg.

Fluer was next. She got her egg by putting the dragon to sleep and scooping up her egg.

Krum of course chose to be more violent and cast a spell into the dragon's eye blinding it. He clearly didn't think it through because the dragon stumbled backwards and stepped on the egg causing Krum to lose points.

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