She is like waves.

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Thank you guys so much for the 12.3K reads <3 Sorry for the slow uploads my school works has gotten really heavy and it's hard to find free time. 


Harry had made absolutely zero progress on figuring out the egg clue. This fact had caused Hermione to drag me to the library to try and find something that might help.

We had been there for at least two hours and I could not handle it anymore.

I flung the book shut and tossed it on the table in front of me.

"Did you find something?!" Hermione's eyes shot up from the book in her hands.

"What? No. I just...can't read another word or my brain will explode."

She let out a large sigh. "You're right. Thank you...for trying to help."

"Well, I don't really know if I was helping any. I don't really know what I was supposed to be looking for.."

She smiled up at me. "Me either." She shook her head.

I took a quick glance around the room, there was no one there. Everyone was too busy trying to find dates to the stupid dance.

Maybe I should ask her.

I stood up and walked over to the padded bench she was sitting on. I sat sideways and leaned back so my head was in her lap.

"I'm gonna take a nap."

She just smiled down at me then went back to the book in her hands.

After a few minutes passed and I rolled my body sideways so my face was pressing against her stomach.

I can feel her heartbeat.

I took a deep breath taking her smell in.

Rose water and ivy. I had seen her perfume on her dresser.

Her hand moved into my hair, then nails slowing started moving against my scalp and suddenly everything stopped.

Absolute peace flooded my body. My mind was blank. Nothing but her intoxicating smell and the feeling of her nails on my head. Slowly scraping away all my problems. All my issues. All my anxiety.

This should feel scary. The effect she has.

She makes the world disappear. She makes me feel present. No more lingering thoughts about everything from before. All the trauma, all the pain...just...gone.

She's an ocean, washing away all the negative things I thought defined me.

Who am I with her?

Who could I be with her? 

She wasn't trying to fix me. She was healing me.

"Mr. Y/L."

The words pulled my mind free from her grip and I moved quickly. Jumping off her, knocking the book from her hands with my head.

My guard had been let down.

I stood there, breathing quickly. Hands slightly shaking.

It was Moody. He stood there without speaking. He looked like he was trying to think quickly. Like he hadn't expected to see me here and hadn't prepared what to say yet.

Then words left his mouth.

"Come with me please, I have something to speak to you about." He turned slightly, motioning for me to come with him.

I turned and looked at the girl I had left sitting there. She looked confused.

"It's okay. Go." She waved me to follow the professor.

"I didn't do anything!" I said defensively. I felt like I had just been caught doing something.

"I didn't say you did." He stated, with an eyebrow raised.

I was still shaking. My feet started moving forward on their own. Going towards the man, I looked back over my shoulder at her.

She looked worried but flashed me a small smile.

I'm going to throw up.

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