Serpent Parties

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A/N - I did not fully edit this chapter so there might be some grammar and spelling mistakes. Appreciate everyone's patience with the slow uploads <3

Hermione made her way down the staircase towards the dungeons. This was probably a stupid idea she thought to herself. There was no way he was going to pull away from his friends to talk to her, especially if he had something else going on behind the scenes. She knew well enough that this party was just a cover for something else.

When her feet hit the floor after the last step she saw the massive line that had formed down the hallway. The line wasn't moving. Harry was right. They weren't letting everyone in. One thing she quickly noticed was that there was no one wearing the very French blue clothing in line. All the Beauxbaton girls had been let in. Surprise.

Hermione stood there looking at the line when she heard her name being called from down the hall closer to the door. Harry. She walked towards him quickly, he was about 5 people from the door.

"They won't let you in?" She asked surprised. She though y/n liked Harry.

"I guess not without you." Harry joked with a smile on his face. He looked towards the 3 Slytherins guarding the door. He pointed at Hermione, and one the guards waved them forward.

Students from the line started to protest as the pushed their way to the front.

"Wands." one of the guards let out a hand. They hesitatingly hand them over. "You'll get them back when you leave." He grunted out as the one the the other guards waved his wand over there bodies.

"What is that for?" Hermione questioned him.

"No contraband. Anything you want will be available inside for purchase." He stated plainly as he turned and gave the last student that was standing in front of the door a nod. He turned and whispered the password to the door and it opened up.

The lights began to flash and her hears where filled with loud EDM music as soon as she crossed the threshold of the doorway. Students where jumping and dancing everywhere, all with drinks in hand.

Her eyes starting to scan for y/n immediately. She wanted to at least see him. Maybe she would go force him to talk to her.

She saw other members of his "gang" first. It was easy to spot them since they where all wearing the same shirt. A dark green oxford with a gold Slytherin crest stitched onto the pocket. This was to clearly distinguish them from everyone else at the party. She knew she had been right, something else is going on here.

She followed Harry around for little while. Was y/n not even here? It was stating to get on her nerves the longer she couldn't find the boy.

"Who are you looking for?" Harry asked loudly over the music.

"Y/n! I thought he would be here considering it's his party!" She yelled back.

A confused look crossed Harry's face. "He's over there!" He yelled and pointed towards a risen platform near the DJ booth. "He's been there the whole time!"

He was right. There the boy stood in the same matching oxford, expect his had 2 golden snakes stitched onto the collar. Then she realized why she hadn't realized it was him. His hair. It was now bleached white.

He was standing on the platform watching over the crowd, hands behind his back. Hermione took a step towards him when the space next to him suddenly was filled with blonde.

Fluer. She was standing inches from his left. She leaned in and started to whisper into his ear. As the words left her mouth a small smirk grew on his. He looked over his right shoulder and ushered over a student that was standing against the wall towards him. He said something to him and the student scurried off through a door. Y/n's eyes never left the crowd the entire time.

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