Lies Lies Lies

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Hermione POV

He still wasn't moving, he almost looked lifeless. Only his head raised a little as the food appeared.

"Careful or you'll start to look like a stalker staring like that." Ron whispered across the table.

I turned to look at him "if you don't shut up I'm going to hex your tongue into next week." I snapped clenched my jaw.

I grab a piece of bread from a tray in front of me and turn back to see if y/n is eating but he's gone. "Son of a bitch." I said.

"What?" Harry asked.

"He's gone. I look away for two seconds and he's gone!" I almost yell. I start to get up to see if I can catch him. I felt a hand pull on my wrist "Hermione you need to eat before you can go yell at him for not eating and I think he doesn't want to be followed if we waited for you to look away." Harry says trying to be kind to both parties

"He's going to drive me crazy." I said with wide eyes as I collected food on my plate getting ready to eat.


I jolted awake as the tree moved underneath me in the wind. Oh wow I was trashed. I take a second to try and become less dizzy. I look down at my watch that was sticking to my wrist due the cold sweat covering my body.

2:00 am

"Fuck." I spit out while tilting my head back for a moment. I take a deep breath that wasn't very deep at all and start climbing down the tree as fast as I can without risking falling. I try to run towards the school but it's not as fast as my sober self. I climb the steps as fast as I could but my ongoing battle with the moving staircases continued. 

"Hello lady. Let me in." I said slightly panting to the fat lady.

"That's not how you talk to a lady" she snapped back at me.

"Right, yes, here we go." I said reaching into the left pocket of my pants and started to dig around, waiting for my hand to meet cold metal.

"No! No! It's fine, here!" She said opening the porthole into the common room.

Oh good, she remembered my 2nd year when I forgot the password and pulled out a knife on the painting. Ha. That was fun.

Hermione took the original knife that I brought with me my first year but I brought my backup from home this summer.

A wand can only do so much.

I walked in and there she was sitting in a chair reading a book way too big for the first day of school. The fireplace was roaring and I felt the warm air seep into my body warming my bones. The heat made me relax for just a second. She looked up and stares deeply into my eyes.

She stood up and moved quickly towards me. As she stood in front of me for a second she just looked up at me. "YOU! STUPID! SON! OF! A! BITCH!" She yells while slamming the book into my chest with every word. I don't move. I just let her hit me, it hurt, it made the muscles in the chest sting and tingle as the hardcover book stuck me and I deserved it. And then she stopped.

"Done?" I said looking her in the eyes. I could feel my eyes drooping, my muscles losing all their energy from the little of adrenaline that came from the pain.

"No!" She says going to hit me again but the book weakly hits my chest as tears start to flood her eyes. Guilt sets onto my gut.

I didn't mean to make her cry.

I can ignore my own actions but seeing there effect on her hurt me.

"Why? Why do you have to be infuriating?!" She says. She turned slowly and walked away with her head down and placed the book down on the table and fell down in the chair. She ran her hands through her curls letting out a deep breath.

"It's part of my charm" I said smiling stupidly at her. Not what I wanted to say but it's what came out due the grip the alcohol had on my brain.

"God, you're wasted. I can't believe you! I thought you said you were ready for a change!" She said as the look of disappointment spread across her whole face. That look put anger in the forefront of my brain.

I don't let look people look at me like that anymore.

"I can't believe you thought I could change!" I laughed. "You're supposed to be the 'brightest' girl here! I'M BROKEN, REMEMBER!" I said still laughing at her.

"GOD, you are such an asshole! All I'm trying to do is care about you! You're smart and sweet when you want to be! And to think maybe we could be more, like we talked about! But no! You're just entertaining yourself till you're next high! I thought you'd actually change for yourself or maybe even for me and I thought you believed you could!" She yells back standing up quickly.

I stand there staring at her, shifting my jaw my mouth slightly open sucking in breaths "You wanna know the truth 'Mione?" I said softly


I walk towards her and get close. I lean forward and put my mouth next to her ear. I sense her tense up.

"I do the things, I told you I never would. I told you I'd change, even though I knew I never could" I whisper in her ear.

I shouldn't have been an asshole to her but she was starting to act like she knew what was best for me and the only person who knows that is me. I learned that lesson, and I wasn't about to forget it for her. There is only one person to trust for your own self preservation and that's yourself.

I backed away smiling, she had a look of betrayal on her face. "I'M A LIE!." I yelled, throwing my arms in the air as I walked backwards and turned around when I came up the staircase that led to the dorm rooms. I climbed the stairs and didn't look back. I walked through the door surprised all the other boys where still asleep after the yelling match that just occurred, I moved towards my bed and fell face down onto it.

I feel like I just made a big mistake but the power of sleep pulls ahead and wins my brain over.

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