Girls Are Scary

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A/N - Another short chapter, there will probably be one more before a large one. Also y'all's comments are killing me! 


Ron is quickly escorted through the common room door by Ginny and another girl with a slight crowd of people trailing behind them.

Hermione and I were sitting on the couch, she was reading a book of some sort and I was watch the chess game on the floor about 5 feet away.

The sudden entrance caught my attention.

"Its okay Ron. It's alright, it doesn't matter..." Ginny was saying softly to her brother.

"What happening to you!" Harry called out across the room.

They sat him down in the an chair.

"He just asked Fleru Delacour out." Ginny anwsered with a slight amount of surprise still in her voice.

I felt the weight of the couch shirt next to me as Hermione quickly got up and crouch down in front of him. Harry also made his way quickly to his best friends side.

Oh my god. Why is everyone being so dramatic

"What?!" Questioned Hermione.

"What'd she say?!" Harry almost cut her off.

"No of course!" Hermione's eyes snapped up at Harry.

A laught broke free from my mouth. Everyone's eyes glanced at me.

It was funny, was I supposed to not laugh?

"You're one to talk eh! You haven't asked anyone. At least he has some balls." Seamus resorted.

My eyes met with Hermione's for just a second, I looked back at the Irish boy.

"Bold of you to assume I'm going."

I keep my expression the same, showing no regret or shame in my laugh. But just as quickly as the attention was on me it was right back on Ron.

He is going to hyperventilate? You can't be serious

The red haired not shook his head.

"She said yes?!" Hermione covered her mouth trying not to let her own laugh escape.

No. Fucking. Way.
I've talked to her. She wayy to cool for Ron.

"Don't be silly..." Ron said, "There she was waking by, you know I like it when they walk.." He glanced up at Harry. " I couldn't help it. It just sort of slipped out..."

"Actually you sort of screamed it at was a bit frightening." Ginny corrected over his shoulder.

Another laught slipped out of my mouth, but the only look I got this time was from the brunette crouched on the floor.

I want to kiss her. I want her alone. All to myself. I'm a selfish way.

I shook my head, focusing back on the events in front of me.

"What did you do them?" Harry asked.

"What else. I ran for it. I'm not cut out for this Harry." He looked down in shame.

No kidding

"Hi Harry!" The Patel twins said in unison as the passed by.

"I don't know what got into me.." The red headed boy kept rambling. "I always liked looking at them from behind..."

Harry took off after the twins.


I took Hermione down the the lakes edge. She wanted to study more and I wanted to be outside before the snow started.

I hate snow.

The slight noise of giggles started to echo down the shoreline. It was getting closer.

"What is that?" I questioned.

"Viktor Krum." She answered without looking up for her book.

And sure enough the large teenager was stomping quickly towards them with a gaggle of girl's following him.

"How did you...?" I began my question and she cut me off.

"He's had those girl's following him around since he got here."

"That seems...desperate."

As Krum made his way past us he glanced over towards the brunette, my brunette next me and made eye contact with her.

The heat my chest started to grow.

"I still think he is older than they are claiming." I said through my teeth.

"Yes I know." She was back to reading again. But this time she took my hand gently.

"10 more minutes then let's go to dinner." She had a small smile on her face as I clutched her hand.

"Yes ma'am."

A little giggle escaped her mouth, and Krum was completely forgotten.

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