Chapter 25 request for mission

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Narrator: once everyone gotten up and getting ready for a request mission. Ezra was underneath the table sleeping. Eventually he heard everyone heartbeat so he had woken up as was well was that long that his scars were there underneath his fur.
When everyone got up including Ezra as well

They set off on there speeders and Ezra sets off foot

Once they all got up and get ready to leave Ezra decided to walk there instead of using the speeder though he wasn't sure on how to ride it since it was loud. Ezra felt like he was about to pass out apparently Ezra felt tried so he changed into his human form and walks towards the ghost crew. When everyone got there we'll almost everyone. "Hey where is Ezra?" Asked Sabine. They saw the fox walking towards them. Kanan walks towards Ezra though Ezra looks up at kanan and hesitates it for a second, but jump on his arms. This heat was given on him. You alright? Asked zeb. Ezra had fallen sleep. Most likely he had exhausted himself from walking in the heat sun. It wasn't from the heat it was something else.

To old jho pit stop

When the crew got there Ezra had opened his eyes and got off of kanan arms and went underneath the table. So what's the request mission? Said Hera. Sato crew needed some supplies of medicine for there ship since it was running low. Replied jho the planet your going on is on Hoth he said again. The crew nodded and saw Ezra staring at a kid near him. One kid saw come here fox wanna eat. Another kid was underneath the table and grab Ezra from underneath the table. So Ezra turn around bites the kid and then runs out of the table and growls at it. Leaving to frighten kids. You are are idiot said there sister if he doesn't wanna then don't force him. Here eat mind she said. Of course Ezra refused to eat from this weird stranger so he growls at it and turns into a human and walks way.
So the crew follows Ezra back to the ghost ship. Ezra still hasn't said anything he had kept his thoughts inside of him. After while from walking everyone had gotten inside the ship. Ezra was on the ground spacing off. Even though Ezra gotten up and walks towards the pilot where Hera drives. Adnd yet being able see the world around was incredible, so Ezra had sat down on the co-pilot. His head felt like bricks even so Ezra lays down and slept hoping his head would stop hurting.

Next chapter on Hoth 451 words

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