Chapter 12 rex &13 Ashoka

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Chapter 12

Narrator: everyone in the ghost crew where sleeping. Well expect one who been staying up at night, since Ezra was feeling the crew heartbeat. But he hear another signal coming far away from here. This heartbeat was strong and killing innocent people. Ezra fainted *thud* (went back to sleep). The next morning was bright as daylight. Rex had come over to visit the ghost crew. Once everyone was wake the notice that Ezra was on the ground sleeping. Moments later Ezra woke up to a frightening sound. Once kanan walked towards the ramp and he met by other then himself Rex. Oh boy he we go again said Sabine, Hera and zeb. Ezra took a moment to look and then backups of course he would be triggered by a stormtrooper. Rex was only wearing his battlefield gear suited. Soon they they all heard gasping, kanan look at Ezra same with Sabine Hera and zeb. Ezra lighting bolt only hits Sabine Rex and chopper. Ezra said Sabine. Hera walked towards Ezra and being to pet his head. Ezra lighting bolt stops. Sigh said Hera. Thus Hera pick up the small frightened 12 years old Ezra. Soon Hera sat down with Ezra on her lap. Having a small conversation with made ezra started to talk more.

Stormtrooper would use his gun towards me to go do Chores from different times though I would try to sneak the information about the empire himself. Said Ezra.I have abilities to hear each heartbeat would sound like whenever I was near darth Vader this guy was no ordinary man. Rex and kanan both look at Ezra they were shock that this kid could knew what details about this Vader. Do you know what he looks like? Asked zeb. "Black suited there was at least two or five guards near his side I stop and look and Vader would look at me but I only hiss at him. Replied Ezra." Ezra did you always wear that clothes? Asked Sabine. Ezra looks at his clothes he was frightened so he runs into kanan room to change. Not to mention that he hasn't gotten any new clothes. This will have to do for now. Turn kanan small clothes into his medium body. Once Ezra was out there you could see the scars. Oh sorry about the clothes kanan. It was the only thing I have were theses. Kanan chuckled it's fine said kanan. Rex said hi to everyone including Ezra. Rex was about to touch Ezra head but eventually he had gotten a hiss from Ezra.

Story continues.................................

Chapter 13

When Ashoka arrived to meet the ghost crew. They didn't realize that Ezra was in the vent since he can't hiss at Ashoka which it was odd. Though Ezra was session off Ashoka had  a master. It's was no other then himself. Ezra was in that ship with him. One Ezra didn't realize that chopper was with him. Chopper was doing his chores in the vents. Ezra started to scream out and apparently fall down reopening his wounds on his back. Ezra shouted the crew. Once they had found him he was trembling in fear. I saw him said Ezra. "Back at the ship that I was in felt his heartbeat his anger the hate and fear. Ik who he is." Wait it can't be said Rex and Ashoka. It's Anakin Skywalker, he said again. Ezra was in his fox form looking terrified. Plus he was on the ground since there was a scar on his back it look noticeable. So Hera decided to pick Ezra carry him to the med bay noticeably that there was a blood coming out of his back. Once Hera being to stitched Ezra back,only to watch Hera fixing him up.

A/n there is a Easter egg in this book I will give a shoutout on whoever guessed what Ezra shapeshifter is it's a animal form worlds best predators to laugh at that's about it.

There said Hera. Ezra was quite for moment. The next thing that Hera did was kiss ezra head. Get some rest she reply's. Ezra got comfortable on the table and insisted on sleeping.

Next chapter chapter 14&15 nightmares of ezra past
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