Chapter 23 zeb had found ezra outside

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Narrator: It was still morning in lothal. Zeb got up last and went to go outside to practice his bow rifle shooting. But it didn't plan out zeb had saw Ezra pass out on the ground so zeb runs towards Ezra. Ezra said zeb. Ezra head moved a little same with his paws eventually his eyes opens up. You alright? Asked zeb, when Ezra got up off the ground he stumbled a little. So Ezra changed back into his human form and nodded at zeb who grew worried. I'm fine reply Ezra. Alright answered zeb. Once Ezra walks into the ghost ship. He had found everyone wake. Morning said everyone. Morning he reply back. Ezra didn't seem to feel like eating breakfast today. So he went back outside to chill on the ramp.

Outside of the ghost ship.

Ezra was just chilling on the ramp he seems to be enjoying himself outside for a little bit knowing the danger around him was terrifying. Sigh said Ezra. Wanna train? Asked kanan. Ezra got up from his spot and shrug. Once Ezra and kanan were far way from the ghost. Kanan had brought out his lightsaber so he throws his spar lightsaber towards Ezra. Ezra looks at and backs way. Kanan noticed this. So he use the force to bring his spar lightsaber towards him. Ezra? Asked kanan. Ezra looks at kanan, sorry he said back. Kanan walks up towards Ezra and pats Ezra head. You alright? He reply's Ezra nodded. Did you had a lightsaber before? He asked again. No Ezra replied back. We can take it slow if you want said kanan. Mm no it's fine Ezra said. I just have a bad experience with holding a weapon is all. Kanan nodded so he got out his spar lightsaber again. And Ezra took it not knowing what is so he feels the energy inside of the lightsaber though he did remember that Darth Vader had a red lightsaber. Ezra gives the lightsaber back to kanan. And change into a fox and runs off towards old jho shop to settle down. Kanan was about to speak but he notices that ezra had left. So kanan beings to followed Ezra towards old jhos stop.

At old jhos pit stop

Ezra had found his spot underneath the table and stays there knowing a fox was very shy and not really interested in anything around him. Jhos seems to notice a fox underneath the table. So he told everyone out of his shop. Which everyone did and left, now leaving one fox and alien man in here. He called out towards the fox which Ezra heard and came out of table. Jho opened his arms towards Ezra. The fox hesitated it. "Don't worry I won't bite " said jho, Ezra jump on jhos arms. "I remember your mother was here she had always asked for something can't remember what it was but she always like to go here whenever it's was just me and her around the shop"said jho. Ezra seems to be find with this but he was right there was no people around the shop his animal form was happy to see this place. Makes it feel fine. When kanan had arrived he smiled a bit. Ezra got down and said sorry. Kanna picks up the fox. Had fun adventure? Said kanan. Ezra shrugs wasn't all bad. Stop by for some requests for a mission said jho. Kanan nodded and left the shop.

Coming back to the ghost ship.

Next chapter we are left off where kanan and Ezra walked towards the ghost ship and Ezra fell sleeping underneath the table inside the ghost ship after a small visit from old jhos pit stop

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