"I will, Mr. Zhou!!!" Da Zhuang subconsciously raised his chest and raised his head. This was all trained in the imperial business team.

    Zhou Yi smiled, turned and left.

    Da Zhuang yelled at Zhou Yi's leaving figure realistically: "Master Zhou, thank you!"

    Zhou Yi's footsteps paused slightly, although he didn't turn his head, his steps were much lighter.

    Da Zhuang finished counting the goods in the port commercial department, and immediately ordered people to move the goods into the port. In the port, there were already merchants waiting to buy these overseas goods.

    If it is a large caravan, it usually has its own shop. The goods brought back from overseas can be kept and sold in its own shop, but for those like Da Zhuang, they can only sell these goods to other merchants.

    Generally, when the fleet of Da Viet leaves Da Viet, it is fully loaded with goods. The goods of Da Viet are very popular overseas, especially those exquisite porcelain and silk. It has become famous overseas. This time, the caravan sold out its goods before halfway through the previous route, and returned a large amount of gold and silver.

    The people of Da Viet are actually proud. Everyone thinks that Da Viet has a vast land and rich resources, and the natives outside have nothing to catch their eyes, but it is not worthwhile to come back with an empty boat, so they will search for good things.

    Thanks to the court commercial team, when they search for things, they will always subconsciously look to the court fleet. After all, this is something Mr. Zhou values. Although they don't know what it is useful for, it must be a good thing.

    After some of them were exchanged, Zhou Yi also said that the imperial court would set a price to collect them, and the price given was not bad, but some felt that the imperial court attached great importance to them, and these things must be worth more than that, so some people quietly saved some... Da

    Zhuang The two boats are no exception. He buys everything, and the price is very cheap anyway. Some of them are even exchanged for broken bowls that cannot be sold. Spices, various seeds, and some are recorded by him. Those rare gadgets that Zhou Yi collected in my heart.

    Even though he only has two boats for a trip to sea, his net profit is tens of thousands of taels.

    Huge profits, he can earn so much with just two small boats, let alone those large caravans with hundreds or even thousands of boats.

    Da Zhuang went to pay the tax immediately, and then stayed in a restaurant luxuriously for one night. At night, he pulled on the table, his eyes were burning with fire. Sooner or later, he will form such a huge caravan...

    After earning money, if he doesn’t return to his hometown with rich clothes, it’s like walking at night in brocade clothes. Da Zhuang deposited most of his money in the “bank” opened by the Ministry of Commerce, although he didn’t understand what this “bank” was like. Deposited in the "bank", not only will it not collect deposits like other banks, but will also give depositors interest. If this was the case before, Da Zhuang would not believe such a good condition, but this is led by Zhou Yi. Da Zhuang had already worshiped Zhou Yi infinitely, so he didn't have the slightest hesitation.

    He traveled north to south with five hundred taels of silver by himself, returned home by boat, and returned to the small fishing village where he had been away for a year and a half.

    "Da Zhuang, it's good if you come back. Your father fell into the water when he went out to sea last winter. Although he was rescued, his body was frozen to death. Now your father can't go to sea, and the family has no income. Miserable, when you come back, go out and go fishing, our ancestors have come here for generations, you see, even if you ran out, you came back again!" Da Zhuang didn't listen to

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