"Hyunjin .. from now on when you have those secret meetings, I'm going be there" he firmly stated.
"Babe I don't know .. I don't think that's a good idea" Hyunjin exclaimed. Felix turned back to the man and walked towards him "I'm not asking you, I'm telling you" he said sternly. He walked out after that.

Hyunjin and Minho were by the bar, while Han and Felix were in his office. "How's Lixie holding up ?" Minho asked concerned. Hyunjin took a swig of his drink "he's fine .. I think, I think he's mad at me" he replied.
Minho somewhat shocked by his answer "what do you mean you think, you didn't talk to him ?"
Hyunjin just shook his head "I did, he just didn't really say anything.. he was upset about the baby clothes in the back seat, I mean we can buy more clothes.. but that could have been him in that car" Hyunjin replied frustrated.
Minho clicked his tongue "it also could've been your child" he said. Minho looked at the man who was stuck in thought, shaking his head at the cluelessness of his friend, "Hyunjin.. Felix isn't mad about the clothes .. hypothetically that could've been your child and these people pose a threat to your family. That's why Felix is upset." He explained as he saw his friend slowly grasp the concept.

Hyunjin got up and went upstairs, he entered the room to see Han and Felix talking "Hannie .. can you give me a minute with Lix" Hyunjin asked.
Han looked at Felix and then walked out the door closing it behind him, Felix stood there staring at Hyunjin for a second, the man wasted no time and walked to his husband pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry my love .." Hyunjin whispered, the blonde just hugged him, Felix who tried so hard to contain himself couldn't no more, "J-Jinnie that could have b-been our ba-baby" the blonde stuttered as he cried into the man's shoulder.
"I know my dear ... I know ..." he stroked the blondes hair and caressed his back. "I promise my love .. I will always protect you and our family" he exclaimed. Felix beginning to calm down at the man's words "and our kids will always be safe as long as I'm around" Hyunjin whispered.

Felix held him tighter "what are we going to do ?"
Hyunjin's heart sank, he had no clue. He had no plan and he had no idea what to do at this point.
He hadn't told Felix about what they discussed at the secret meetings, he didn't want the blonde to be scared. The two quickly left the club as Hyunjin wanted to hold another meeting, the events that just happened only adding to the urgency of it.

Felix and Hyunjin drove to the secret location, having to switch cars 3 times to shake off anyone following them. They finally arrived to a church, it looked abandoned but when they got inside it was absolutely beautiful, the murals and stained glass windows. Felix admired the place for a second before he was pulled by his husband to follow him, they reached a confessional box that wasn't any ordinary one, Hyunjin knocked a certain amount of times, it sounded like a tune and with that the wall slid open.
Felix surprised as it reminded him of a secret agent, the two slowly made their way through and walked down the stairs to a basement of some sort.

"Mr. Hwang we got your message and we're ready to proceed with the meeting" the man said.
Hyunjin nodded and the man went away, a group of young assassins were waiting at a table talking when  Hyunjin approached them "wow who's that" a young boy asked. Hyunjin following their eyes as they realized the Who in question was his husband, he immediately became irritated. He couldn't be too upset because his crew knew he was married but they've never seen his partner before. So they technically wouldn't know but that didn't stop Hyunjin from getting jealous.
"Why so intrigued ?" He asked the young man as he was loading up his gun, the boy being a smart ass wanted to just tease "oh I was going to maybe ask him out" he chuckled.
Hyunjin laughed too "try asking him out and I'll break your fucking arm at the elbow" he hissed as he put his gun in his waist band.
The group of young boys astonished and somewhat scared, "Boss, why is your husband standing by the wall" a hacker approached and asked.
Hyunjin smiled and turned to call over his husband, Felix immediately walking over "baby, I would like you to meet our junior assassin team" Hyunjin motioned the boys to bow.
Felix smiling at each of them "I'm Felix .. but you can just call me Lix" the boys smiling as they realized he's very kind and unlike his husband, very easy going.

The Boss and The Burlesque: ENCORE Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora