t w e n t y f o u r

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"Hey, Gulf? You okay?"

"Uh? Y-yeah, I'm good,"

"You don't look like it," Natharin chirped in and Nattarika nodded along.

"Is it Bright?"

"No, it's not him, we're fine,"

"It's Mew then?" Nattarika asked after her twin.

"No, it's nothing. It's just my off-day."

"Off day my ass. You've been like this since three days ago."

"Nat, can you please just drop it? It's nothing,"

"Clearly something was bothering you and I don't like my brother all sad and down like this," Natharin said, agreeing with his twin.

"Guys, leave the poor boy alone, will you?" They sighed but finally dropped it. Thanks, Mae.

"May I be excused?"

"Yeah, sure." Thanks again, Mae.

I ran up the stairs and straight to my room before throwing myself onto the bed. My eyes instantly landed on my wall, a bunch of pictures covering it. What caught my attention the most was, Mew and I's pictures. From the very first pictures when it was really early in our relationship until the last couple of ones that the kind woman took.

I wiped away the tear that accidentally fell down, sighing heavily at how stupid my decision was.

I love Bright first and I know I still do, but why breaking things with Mew feel so much harder than I thought? Why does it hurt so much?

Mew started avoiding me since the incident at the school's backside. He didn't make it obvious as I did, but I notice that he actually did. I could also notice the concerned look Win keep giving me every time we saw each other. He even asked about it on Thursday (which is two days ago) but I dropped it and just ran away. Like I always did.

The tension during lunch was so fucking thick that it always ended up with Mew or me leaving. Bright probably notice it too, but he said nothing.

I heard someone knocking on my door but I said nothing as the door pushed open carefully.

"G- Gulf? Can I come in?" I said nothing again knowing Nattarika will still come in even if I say no.

"I'm sorry if I was so pushy downstairs,"

"It's fine," I said, trying to brush it off. Again.

"Y-you wanna talk about it?"


"It's Mew, isn't it?"


"Did he hurt you?"



"I did,"

"... D'ya mind to elaborate?"

"I hurt him."

"H- How?"

"I broke up with him and it broke him as well," Nat awed sadly before pulling me into her side. I gladly cuddled into her, hiding my face in her shoulder.

"Why did you break up with him?"

"I was stupid."

"No, you're not. You must have your reason,"

"You do know that our relationship was actually based on a dare, right?"

"Yeah, and?"

"We actually fall for each other and made it official two weeks into the dare. But then as the time goes by, the dare comes to an end."

"Okay... and?"

"We were supposed to go back to our previous boyfriends which means it was Bright with me and Mew with Win all over again. Bright and Win acted like they were before this dare which mean treating Mew and me as their boyfriend and only acting like... friends or some sort towards each other. But Mew and I... we can't. We got back together again right after school was done. And we went on a date. But then... the guilt grew bigger and bigger and I just can't do it anymore. I was so torn and stuck so I go to mae for advice. She flipped shit because what I did was basically cheating and we all know that no one in this house concurs with that. But I still did it anyway. She grounded me for a week because of that but whatever, that's not the point. I finally gather enough guts to talk to Mew about it and I just... break it off. And now I break him and he avoids me and tensions are everywhere and everyone grows concerned and keeps asking me questions and I'm just so fucking done with my dumb self."

"Oh, phi..."

"I know. I'm so fucking stupid but I still love Bright, okay? I know I love Mew as well but I can't abandon my first for someone that I just know,"

"You love Mew?"

"I do love him for him and not just because of the dare. And Bright... I love him too."

"You could make this right, you know?"

"How? He hates me, he avoids me at all cost and when we're near each other, it was just so tense and awkward and ugh..."

"Do you actually love Bright?"

"Of course, I do, what are you on about?"

"Because to me, it seems like you love Mew way more than you ever love Bright if you said you do at least,"

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