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<= the next morning =>

"Gulf! Your boyfriend's here!" Mae yelled from somewhere downstairs. I cursed myself rapidly, pacing around my room to finish getting ready.

Phone? Checked. Book(s)? Checked. Wallet? Checked.
Hair? Done. Outfit? Done.
Face? Fuck, not done yet.

My lips looked so dry and chapped. Uh... should I use the chapstick?
Would it be weird? Would people notice it?
Ugh, whatever, they can go fuck themselves if they don't like it.

I grabbed the still-perfectly-sealed chapstick from her, applying a thin layer of it on my lips. I pressed my lips together to even the somewhat sticky thing, making sure it coated my whole lips.

I caught a quite strong taste of chocolate while doing so and to say I was rather amazed would be an understatement, right? I've never used this thing in my whole life and I thought the taste would be barely there a.k.a faint, not this... strong.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder before running down the stairs in a rush. If I almost trip once or twice, no one needs to know that.

"What took you so long? Poor thing should stand out there for quite some time."

"Why don't just invite him in?"

"I did, but he's shy and chooses to stay out there"

"Shy? Doesn't sound like him at all, but whatever, Imma head out now! Bye mae, I love you"

"Wait a sec!" She yelled out suddenly. I turned my body around and raised my eyebrows at her.

"Did you use the chapstick?"

"Mae, really!?" I said, groaning out loud.

"Put it to good use. I love you too, son" And just like that she disappeared again. My mother is such a weirdo but I love her nevertheless.

I saw Mew standing awkwardly on my porch, feet fidgeting with each other.


"Oh, hi! Morning," His whole demeanour suddenly change from this nervous boy to this overly confident one, it's cute.

"Shall we go now? I'm sorry that you have to wait kinda long."

"It's fine and yeah, we shall."

He put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me towards his car. He opened the door like the gentleman he is, before jogging to his side of the car.

"How long have you been in there?"


"On my porch I mean,"

"Oh... quite some times. I stood there for a good couple of minutes before gaining the balls to knock on the door just to see your mum there which intimidated me quite a lot so I said that Imma just stay outside while you finish your thing and there I was, standing awkwardly on my boyfriend's porch for another ten or so minute."

"You know you can just go in. Mae is basically best friends with your mum and she's nowhere near intimidating. That woman is so strange and yet I love her with all my heart."

"You need to see the look she gave me. She basically just stood there and scanned me up and down three or four times before asking me what am I doing there. That's hella scary for me."

"Never pictured her as someone that is intimidating, so can't quite reach it," I said, shrugging innocently.

"You said that our mothers are best friends if I'm correct?"

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