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"We're goin' out!" A loud voice said following the sound of the door being snapped open. I groaned into my pillow, burying myself furthermore under the cover.

"Kana, c'mon! I have a whole day planned!"

"Lemme sleep, 'm tired"

"No, Kana c'mon! Today's gonna be amazing, I promise." I waved my hand in dismissal, clearly giving no fuck about what he said. He jumped on top of me, making me let out a loud 'oomph' and groaned again.

"Bii, c'mon! I need you to wake up to start this amazing day!"

"What's so amazing today?"

"It's Halloween! Now c'mon, get your lazy but cute bum up!"

"Shut up, 'm tired"

"I'll give you thousands of kisses and lots and lots of cuddles after our plans today. How's that sound?"

"Can't I sleep for another hour?" I groaned out lazily.

"Nope, now c'mon"

"What time is it?"


"Too early, Mew. Too early."

"Nooo, pleaseee... pretty please with cherry and kisses and cuddles on top?"

"Fuck, fine. I'll break up with you if this so-called amazing day wasn't as amazing as I expect it to be."

"Deal!" He pecked my lips gently before jumping off of me and running out of my room. Well, isn't he just so confident and full of energy?

I lazily threw the cover off of me, walking groggily towards the bathroom. Fuck, I'm so tired! I've slept for more than 10hrs and I'm still this lethargic, nice!

I pulled off my sweatpants and jumped straight into the shower, taking my sweet time with them before drying myself with the towel.

After another 15 minutes of getting ready and stuff, I walked down the stairs to see Mew and my mother gushing quietly about something. I stood on my tip toes to steal a glance and my eyes quickly widened at the sight.


"Morning, dear. How was your sleep, sweetie?"


"Mine's also great, thank you for asking, Gulf." My mum sassed me, clearly ignoring my statement about the book. Mew stayed unfazed, casually flipping the pages and cooing over the pictures. Yes, it was the photo album, when I was a baby, doing many, many embarrassing things.

"For the heavens and my sanity sakes, please... put that book away..."

"Why? You look so cute here. All chubby and bubbly and red and tiny and squishy and-"

"He's still tiny, haven't you seen him?" Mae butted in. I glared at her which she dismissed easily.

"Yeah, my tiny lil Kana. He's cute though, the perfect height for forehead kisses"

"I know that you two will get along instantly, you guys are the perfect match."

"Mae, please..." I tried again but failed miserably.

"I have another book if you wanna see."

"That would be lovely, Mae. But I've planned a whole day for this cutie, so maybe later."

"I'll arrange them from year to year. We can gush over it next time you're here,"

"Sure, that sounds brilliant to me."

Switched ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora