s e v e n t e e n

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I can't believe it's been two years
The pain still feels as fresh as if it was yesterday.

I feel like shit tbh
But here's a cute chapter for y'all bcs I don't want you babies to feel like shit

 "I'm picking you up tomorrow at 5.30 for our date,"

"Where to?"

"It's a surprise as usual but you'll love it, I promise"

"Err, alright..."

"Just dress warm but still comfy,"

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Bye, Kana"

November 21st.

"Gulf, your soon-to-be-husband's here!"

"I'll be down in a bit," I yelled back to my overly excited mother.

I slipped my boots on while trying to fix my glasses before rushing down the stairs. Fucking contact-lenses always disappeared at the wrong time.

I heard them squeal loudly before I was off the ground and spun in the air. I shrieked at the sudden movement, the sound of the camera clicking was so audible. Mew squeezed me tightly, inhaling my scent deeply as he buried his nose in the crook of my neck.

"Overload cuteness, my ovaries!!!" Mae screeched happily.

"Mew, I love you, but put me down, please,"

"I love you too. You're so cute, god! How dare you do this to me?"

"I lost my contact lenses and I can't find my spare one either, so I'm stuck with this dummy,"

"It's not dumb, it's cute. Suit you so well, I like it on you,"

"You like everything I use,"

"But I prefer nothing though,"

"Perv!!!" I punched his chest playfully as he laughed that stupid laugh of his.

"We should get going now if you don't want to miss much,"

"Where are we goin' anyway?"

"I'm not telling," Mew grinned at me but I tried to seduce him a tiny bit. I batted my eyelashes at him, making sure to pull the most innocent face I could muster.

"Nope, not now," ughhh!!!

"C'mon, I knew you were internally cursing me,"

"I wasn't,"

"You so were, but whatever. Mae, we're heading out!!!" Mew yelled out and mae was suddenly back in the room.

She pulled him into a hug, mumbling something that I couldn't hear but nodded along anyway. She pulled me into her embrace after letting go of Mew, rocking my body softly back and forth.

"Just forget everything else okay? Enjoy your night and think about nothing but you and him, got it?"

"Yeah, I got it." I smiled down at her, pulling away from the hug slowly. She returned the smile and leant up a bit to kiss my forehead,

"I love you, Gulf. Have fun,"

"I love you too, mae. Thank you,"

"Take care of my son, okay?"

"Will do, Mae."

"Alright, you're free to go gentlemen,"

We bit her farewell one more time before Mew guided me to his car.

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