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The next morning, I woke up feeling kinda groggy and grumpy. I got my answer finally, but because of figuring out that answer for hours, I barely got any sleep last night. I dragged my sleepy self towards the bathroom to do my morning routine, quickly finishing my business minutes later before running down the stairs to catch some breakfast. I greeted my mum and the twin when I saw them in the kitchen, talking quietly.

"Morning, darling! How was your sleep?"

"Was like crap, I barely got any"

"Oh, why's that so?"

"Just Win and his idea, he demanded an answer before classes today so I thought about it all night"

"Lemme guess, this idea is just as inappropriate as the previous ones, right?"

"Yeah, if not worse," I said, giggling a bit.

"What do you mean?" Natharin chirped in.

"He got this idea when switching boyfriend is the solution of my kinda-forced friendship with his boyfriend. I mean, Mew and I are friends now just because I dated his best friends and he dated Win, but aside from that, we've never... that close"

Instead of finding the idea insane, Mae and the twin just laughed at how horrified I am towards the idea.

"Oh, c'mon! You can't seriously think that it was a great idea too"

"It's not that, it's just... you and Win, oh my god! My silly babies" Mae said before laughing again.

"What are you gonna do then?" Nattarika asked.

"Knowing him, I would probably be forced to just say yes since he'll obviously guilt trip me to say yes if I say no"

"Oh my god, this just keeps getting better! I can't wait to see you with that Mew kid." Mae said before laughing again.

"How could you know I'll be with Mew?" I asked her.

"It's obvious, innit? You're dating Bright and I know for sure you wouldn't date Win, so it's obviously gonna be that Jongcheveevat boy"

"How could you know his last name?"

"Oh dear, who do you think my friend is?" My eyes widen in realisation, making me face-palmed internally.

"This is gonna be so weird"

"No, it won't. Just wait until I tell her," Mae giddily said.

"No, no, no, no, no, don't. We haven't talked about this yet to Bright and Mew. So we still don't know if this plan will actually work or not"

"Alright then, I'll just wait until you bring that Jongcheveevat kid here."

"Does he at least love football? I would love to play with him"


"What? I'm just asking"

"Whatever, I'm going to school. See you guys later!!!"

I hurried off of the kitchen, quickly grabbed my backpack by the stairs and ran again towards my car, slamming the house door a bit too loudly for my liking. I got into my car and swiftly backed it off of the driveway, driving it straight to the school in no time. Thankfully, there was no traffic so I arrived 10 minutes earlier than I used to.

I bet he wasn't even here yet, so instead of waiting for him at the parking lot, I went to my locker right away, passing the empty hallway. Yeah, the perks of coming early, I know.

I dumped my unneeded book into my locker, emptying half of my backpack. I slung it over my shoulder before closing the locker door just to be faced with Win's extremely close face. I shrieked in surprise making him laugh like a madman.

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