78. Our Last Night Together

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My flight was scheduled for the next morning at 9:50 am, and I was starting to get all jumpy and nervous, Yoongi on the other hand, was visibly sad and quiet.

— "Aish Bella... I'm really glad that you're going to Mexico, I know how much you want to see your dad and loved ones, but I'm already getting that sense of loneliness... and... well... I'm not used to being alone anymore. I got so used to seeing you every day! I love smelling your hair, getting lost in your eyes, and Damn! feeling your heartbeat as we fall asleep. What will I do a full month without you?" — his eyes started to shine with tears, and his voice got deep and low. — "I'm really messed up when I don't have you near me, you don't even have an idea how bad it was for me those days you were upset with me."

— "Sweetie, Amor, I will be back before you even have a chance to miss me, you'll see. Time will fly! And... just think that we both chose each other, that I'm willing to give it all for us, and that I'll be back here with you to never leave again. I love you, I love you so much that I'm ready to start my new life here... with you!"

— "Bella, there's something we haven't talked about... and I know it's something that's gonna mess us up hard." — Damn was Yoongi in a negative mood, he wouldn't give us a break about all these separation issues.

— "Babe, I know... Your military service. Don't worry, I've been thinking about it since I decided to move my life here, I'll be fine."

— "Nae Nabi, there is a possibility I could serve actively, even with my shoulder injury, because I can voluntarily ask for a physical reevaluation and second considerations for active service; this would mean I would complete my service in 18 months instead of 21. However, to serve actively means to be away for the full 18 months, when being a public server I can remain in Seoul due to the type of service I'll be assigned to. Either way, I'm pushing you to stay here not knowing how long I'll be away. If I'm into public service, well I'll just have to go through some weeks of basic training and still be able to live here, but if not... we'll be apart for so long! I've been so selfish that I didn't want to think about how this might affect you, please forgive me Love!" — he was having trouble trying to contain his tears as he laid his head on my lap like a child.

— "Sweetie, it's ok, really... I know your first intention was to request to serve actively because it means less time, and I know you are having second thoughts about taking the public service instead because that means you can stay here in Seoul... because you could stay close to me. But, Amor, do not change your plans because of me, do what's best for you and the rest of the boys, for your future; I'll be here no matter what, you know that... no matter what."

— "Thank you Nabi. You're right about me wanting to be close to you regardless of the time it could take me to complete my service, but you're also right about me having to think about myself and the members' future. We'll know soon which service I'm complied with, and I hope that, no matter what, we can remain together. I love you."

— "I love you, too."

— "You take my breath away Bella!" — he sat next to me, hugged me, shed some tears, and kissed me with so much love.

— "Babe, let's go to your room, make love to me, let's enjoy our time together, ok?"

— "Neh, I want to take in every inch of your body and soul."

We went to his room, we undressed each other as if it was our first time together, and we made love to each other as if it was going to be our last. I felt loved, I felt safe, I felt home. We fell asleep in a sweet cuddle and didn't wake up till the next morning.


A/N: I can't say which military service Yoongi will be going through, since there hasn't been an official statement about it yet.

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