48. I Hate Hospitals

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It turned out that we slept almost 11 hours! The all-nighter did a good job on us... well, at least on me. Yoongi was showing signs of exhaustion and his voice wasn't in the best condition either.

— "Babe, do you want me to call the doctor?"

— "Ani, I just need to take cold medicine and a booster maybe. I want to go to the hospital for a check-up, just for the day. "

— "The hospital? Why? Do you feel that bad?" — I started to feel anxious, I don't like hospitals.

— "Nabi, it's just so I can be well taken care of to recover faster. It's something we've done before and it's all right, don't be afraid. And I would like you to go with me, as my therapist, I mean, I really need your professional help. Is that possible, that you could give me your professional opinion?"

— "It's possible, yes... but not recommended, because of our emotional tie. You may not be that open to express yourself."

— "Don't worry about me holding back on anything." — he chuckled a bit, and turned to his phone to call H.

We got to the hospital and they checked Yoongi in. They ran some quick tests on him, blood biometry, sugar levels... things like that, and placed him on an IV. Overall he had a good health condition, and just like he said, they were just giving him some vitamin booster through the IV. I stayed next to him, and we had a chance to have a long conversation.

— "Bella, I'm feeling mentally and emotionally tired, I need to fix myself before it pulls me down."

— "Tell me about how you feel, I promise I won't compromise my professional point of view."

— "We'll, it turned out that it's harder to perform without my brothers. It has been my sole duty to deliver to all ARMYs on my own; we've always had each other's support behind stage, but now... I don't have anyone to turn to. I mean, I turn to you and that's been more than enough, but it's not the same... do you know what I mean?"

— "Of course, and the way you feel is normal. You see, we need an emotional support net in each aspect of our lives, this is, one at work, one among friends, one in our family, and one in our personal relationships. This way, if something is not right at work you can turn to friends or family for support, and the other way around too. But with you, my Dear Yoongi, it happens to be that your support nets are all in one place, because the 7 of you are work, friends, and family. That's why, I being the only extra net you have sometimes isn't enough."

— "Aniyo! You are enough."

— "No Dear, I'm not, and it's totally understandable. You need your friends, your family close." When was the last time you've boys met?"

—"it's been a while, I couldn't go to visit Jin the first time, the last dinner we had together was not long enough because we had other things to attend to... I miss them!"

— "I know Babe, and unfortunately none of you had enough time to get used to being apart from each other."

— "It's settled then, it's time to meet the boys! Are they even here right now?"

— "No Babe, I believe V is in France and Jimin will be heading out to London. I think RM an JK are the only ones here."

— "Well, then let's meet with them. Could you arrange it with H?"

— "Sure Babe. I'll be right back."

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