20. My Dream

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I was in a nice colorful garden, surrounded by larch pine trees, all blooming with bright pink larch flowers, my favorite flower because of my mom (it's also Yoongi's birth flower). And there was Sebastian, my Bae, dressed in his favorite jeans and shirt, barefooted; with his beautiful, honest smile, and his adorable dark brown eyes. Bae!

— "Bae?! It's you! Oh, Bae! I've missed you so bad!"

— "Mi Cielo, yes it's me, but only for a while."

— "What? Why? Where are we?"

— "We are in your dream, of course! And we're here because it's time for you to let me go."

— "No!" I don't want to...Nooo!"

— "Ssshhhh... yes, it is time for you to let me go, let us go. Live up to baby's name; mi Cielo, live up to her name and move on. Never lose HOPE and move on."

— "Bae... I want to, but you still hurt! I want you two to come back to me! I can't go on my own."

— "Look around... what do you see?"

— "Larch flowers..."

— "And what's its meaning, hmm?"

— "Pushing through challenges, to keep on trying even if you feel broken."

— "So, you asked me for a sign; mi Cielo, this is your sign! Mi Cielo, I'm fine, Esperanza is with me, and we will always be with you. We want to see you love and being loved, we want you to see you live! Mi Cielo, please don't feel bad about opening yourself to love again, please don't."

— "Bae, it's just that... what will happen if I lose love again?"

— "You won't! And even if you do, we'll be right here, helping you to stand up once more. Mi Cielo, it's time..."

... and I woke up.

Somehow dreaming with Sebastian made my heart beat lighter once again. I knew my dream was a fabrication of my hippocampus mixing my memories with my imagination, however, that made me liberate myself of my fear of losing my love for somebody once more; my amygdala was free of that fear.

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