25. Chicago D2 & D3

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The hours previous to the concerts were always in a rush; by D3 I had to attend to two crew members who started having anxiety issues. As of that day, I decided to start every morning with a mindfulness group session, Manager H and Suga included.

There's not that much I can say about the remaining concert days in Chicago, except that the shows were amazing, ARMYs were amazing, and Agust D was hot as fuck. At nights when I was alone in my room I would scroll around IG admiring pics of the shows taken by ARMYs.

A/N: I know this is a short chapter, I just didn't feel like writing about my time with Suga, Agust D, or Yoongi; let's just say things flowed nicely... and at nights they went pretty wild.

Unexpected LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora