75. I'm Kim Taehyung, Nice To Meet You.

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I had to leave before the boys did for obvious reasons, but we all met at Yoongi's. I went home first (home, even now it still sounds weird when I call it home), took a quick shower, and got ready to meet the boys. Once I got to Yoongi's I started getting everything arranged for the boys; I received the food, set the table, and waited for them to arrive.

I could hear them way before they got to the door, they're pretty loud when they're together, and that's nice to listen to. Jimin was the first one to step in.

— "Beellaaaaa! I'm hoooome!" — he laughed so hard after he yelled this because Yoongi complained about him calling it HIS home.

— "Over here Love! Sweetie! I missed you!" — he lifted me up with a hug and twirled me around.

— "Ani!! Only I can do that to her! Put her down!" — Yoongi started to complain.

— "Aish hyung! But I want to hug her too! Aishh! come here my Noona!" — now it was my dear JK twirling me around.

— "Aahh my Namdongsaeng! You're making me dizzy!" — he let me down with a nose scrunch and his pretty bunny smile.

And there he was, just watching how Jimin and JK were so happy to see me.

— "Hey..." — I smiled at V.

— "Aaahh! I'm Kim Taehyung, Nice to meet you! May I hug you, too?" — and without getting a reply he hugged me so tight.

— "Aawww, the wonderful Maknae line together! I feel like I'm in a dream! But hey... let's eat!"

We all sat down to eat, and V was asking me all sorts of questions.

— "Can I call you Noona, too?"

— "You can call me anything you want Tae Tae."

— "Noona it is. Noona? Can I see your tattoos... pleeease?"

— "Ani! What's with you two brats asking about her tattoos?" — Yoongi was pointing at V and JK.

— "It's ok Babe, they can see them. As a matter of fact, JK...how about you design a matching tattoo for Yoongi and me?"

— "Hyung!" — they all yelled surprised.

— "Aahh Hyung... how much did we have to go through to convince you of our tattoo, and now you're getting another one with Bella?"

— "As a matter of fact, it was his idea," — I said teasingly pointing to Yoongi.

— "That's so sweet! I want to help JK come up with a design! Can I?" — who could say no to Jimin's pretty pout face?

— "Neh, that sounds cool!" — Yoongi could never say no to the Maknaes.

The night went splendidly, they talked about the upcoming concerts... which I can't tell you anything about them, only that they will be supreme.

It was time for the boys to leave, not before planning to meet again before my trip to Mexico. I was leaving on the 28th, and returning on July 29th. So, we decided to meet again the night before my flight, and that left me with two days with Yoongi.

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