76. We're Family

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The next two days felt like they were the last we would ever have together, I don't know why. So, I tried to make the best out of it no matter what. It also was kind of confusing because strangely I didn't feel anxious or bad; somehow I felt calm, I felt ok with going back to Mexico, and coming back to Seoul... coming back home.

— "Nae Nabi, did you like the surprise? Now you know why I asked you to come back by the end of July."

—"Neh, it's gonna be great. I want to come back." — I cuddled up on his chest and fell asleep.

Monday Morning

H came to hand me my papers and give us news about the person/people behind the threats.

—"It was a sasaeng working with somebody from inside, IT got to the inside source of the first messages, and then the Legal Department worked from there. Everything is under control now; unfortunately, nobody will suffer legal consequences... the sasaeng is a 25-year-old girl, daughter to a wealthy family, and a settlement was arranged."

— "A settlement? What good does that do to Bella? It's not like she needs the money." — Yoongi was very upset.

— "Not an economic settlement, the girl will be admitted into a mental health clinic. Remember the calls that three of you got two years ago? And the flower bouquets sent to your parents' houses? Remember the same birthday present all of you got one year? There's no use of going on with the list of her demeanors, but it goes way back in time. Well, it was all her, she paid many people to do her work, but it all tracked back to her. So the settlement was for her to receive professional mental treatment, or the Company would proceed legally against her family's company since she was using its resources."

I understand how an obsession works in the brain, but I haven't studied that much of obsessive conducts in young adults yet. It's sad to see how this girl ended, but I found it kinda creepy to see how far she could go.

— "Thank you H, you've done so much for me." — I couldn't contain myself and gave him a big hug. He stepped back at first but then hugged me back.

— "You're welcome Bella, we have become very fond of you, you came in a moment when we needed a breath of new and fresh air, even if you put me through some tough spots sometimes." — he smiled at me (that's a lot to ask from H). We're family now, and I will take care of you always."

Tears of appreciation flowed down my cheeks, it was weird how I truly felt part of another family, with a bond as strong as the one I have with mine. My brain realized I really was home for the first time after a long time.

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