𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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After another terrifying classroom experience, Jungwon made his way to the gym. When he did he saw the other students talking to their friends as they waited for class to start. He made his way into the wooden bleachers and sat down. "...the most lively looking place here..." Jungwon commented as he looked around.

Unlike the rest of the school, the gym actually seemed like it supported life. Everything looked polished and like it had been recently cleaned. The court wasn't dirty and not a piece of trash or gum could be spotted where his feet currently rested. Most unexpected to Jungwon was that his classmates seemed happy and not creepy too.

He got quite bored as he waited for their coach to arrive. He yawned and leaned back making the seats behind him visible. He then saw what looked like Sunghoon crying and Jay trying to comfort him.

He instantly sat up and looked behind him, only to see nothing but a piece of paper where supposedly Sunghoon sat. He got up from his seat and picked it up. "Seven, ninety-eight, zero, twenty-one?" Jungwon said to himself as he read the numbers that were written on the paper. He didn't have much time to think about what the numbers meant before he heard someone shouting at them.

He turned around to see one of the most unathletic people he had ever seen. The man was on the more pudgier side and was comically short. Even Jungwon who got teased at his old school for being short towered over him. Jungwon didn't know if his face was just greasy or if he had already started sweating. He was balding and had a shaven beard that looked like it was starting to grow back.

"Get on the floor so we can finish this shit! I don't want to be here as much as you don't, but we all have to, so chop-chop!" He shouted resulting in everyone heading to the gym floor. Jungwon stuffed the paper into his pocket before heading down the stairs but another cold wisp of air flew behind him.

He turned around but didn't see anything. "Pay attention to your surroundings. Details are what will save you," He heard a familiar voice whisper to him from behind. Jungwon's head faced where he heard the voice and saw nothing. "Aish, Yang. What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked himself with a sigh before making his way to the court.

"Today you're playing dodgeball. You need quick reflexes to survive so think of this as practice," The coach, Mr. Jung stated. Everybody nodded and divided themselves into teams.

Jungwon had always watched the movies where the main character got chosen last for these things but never did he think that'd actually be him. He stood by the railing of the bleachers awkwardly as he swayed back and forth. He finally got added to the second group, completely humiliated.

While everyone whispered and snickered to their friends a young girl came up to him and stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Haerin. Nice to meet you," She smiled sweetly. Jungwon confusedly shook her hand. "Oh, I'm sorry. You don't normally do stuff like that here. I'm originally from America but me and my mom moved here a few years ago," She explained. Jungwon nodded but wasn't very focused. Why did the girl in front of him look so similar to him?

"Woah, do you normally stare at people you just met like that?" She questioned him with an uncomfortable expression and tone. "Oh- no, I'm sorry," Jungwon awkwardly laughed. "So, uhm... ready to hit some balls?" She asked, making a weird face. "Uhh, yeah?" Jungwon agreed as he tried to contain his weirded-out facial expression. "Great, let's go!" She beamed before pulling him out on the court.

Mr. Jung blew the whistle for the game to start and everyone ran to grab a ball. Jungwon hated games like this and always stood at the edge of the court to not get hit. Today wasn't an exception as he backed further and further away from everyone else as Haerin ran to get a ball.

Balls flew up and down and Jungwon watched. The sounds of balls hitting the ground and his fellow classmates, students cheering, female students whining, and male students raging echoed through his ears as he kept an eye out for a sneaky ball.

His eyes then fixated on the roof. He didn't know why but he was drawn to the lights. "The ball... don't get hit by the basketball," He heard a voice say. It wasn't the same voice from earlier but it was still familiar. He didn't have any time to wonder whose voice it was as a ball flew towards him and smacked him straight in the face.

He fell to the ground as he heard laughs come from around him but it didn't sound like it was from a group of students. It sounded like the same laugh just multiplied. He saw pulsing lights after he banged his head on the ground. They started to form into a wave and soon made their way into words.

It'll hurt way worse if you don't do as we say.

Jungwon gained consciousness again and opened his eyes slowly. Surprisingly, he remembered everything that happened and his head didn't hurt at all.

He took in his surroundings and saw that he was writing something down in his notebook unconsciously. He saw he was in a new classroom which further confused him. He looked at his notes and saw he was writing down stuff about history but it was weird.

All the things written on his paper were things that he had never known happened. It all seemed like fake information. He tried to stop writing but he couldn't. He looked to his left and saw a book. He scanned over the contents of the page that was shown and saw it was the exact same thing he was writing. He looked at the pictures in the book and they looked extremely photoshopped but not in a way that couldn't fool a baby. Something about this was odd.

A specific section on the page caught his eye. There was a picture of a ukulele, one that looked just like his dad's old one. Under it was the number 6. Jungwon furrowed his eyebrows out of confusion but then remembered the paper he found in the gym. He tried to move his hand and luckily it did.

He sneakily opened it and looked at it. He became even more confused when he saw there were no numbers on the paper but instead, a sketch of an ice skate. He furrowed his brows and thought to himself...

"Yep, I have to be going crazy."

𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 | yang jungwon ✓Where stories live. Discover now