The germans

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You finally arrived. The taxi stopped and you flew forward but the seatbelt stopped you from crashing into the seat infront of you. It was so dark outside here. "Thanks for the ride." You mumbled and stepped out on the
concrete ground and looked up to a big sage green house. Here you were. Standing on the property you wish you would never see again.

"Y/n! Oh how I've missed you!" Your mom comes up to you with her bracelets rustling around her arm. Oh god how are you going to stand a year in this hell hole, you think for yourself.  "Hi mom.." you say and she hugs you. She goes to carry in your bags. You roll your eyes and sigh. Why was it so hard to put on an act. Maybe because you didn't want to. Or maybe because you couldn't hide your loud personality. You hear two people giggling. You look over at your neighbors house and there stands two identical twins. One with long draids and a shiny lip ring and one with fluffy black also long hair. Back to the one with draids. He said something to his brother in another language and his brother laughed and they started walking up to you. "Hi?" You said kind of awkwardly. He smiled at you. "Hello I'm bill and that is Tom!" He looks at you with a wide smile, he seems to be sweet so you smile back. "I'm y/n" you say and nod gently. "I'll see you around" he says and they walk in to their house. Their house is much bigger than your moms. Whatever, you thought for yourself as you started grabbing your bags.

When you got all of your bags upstairs your mom said to choose a room. There was a room with two small windows and a small bed and one with one big window that lead towards the twins house and a double bed. You decide to take the one with the double bed. You carry all of your bags in and your mom helps you. While inside she stops to talk to you. "I see you met the rockstars" she says and does 🤟 with her hands. You roll your eyes and think for yourself that that's not the right symbol. "What do you mean by rockstars?" You say and look up at her. "Oh it's nothing" she says and keeps on walking with your backpack and another small bag.

"Want me to help you sweetie? I don't want you putting your stuff where it's not supposed to be!" She squeals. How can she act like nothing happened. Like she didn't threaten dad. Like she didn't mentally abuse me and like she didn't go to prison for abuse. Just like nothing happened. "No mom I got it." You say and open up a bag.

You close the door after her and realize how warm it is in there. You take off your shirt and open the window. There you notice a tree In between the houses going from their house to yours. You look over at their house. You see that Tom guy from earlier. He is leaning on the window frame smoking a cig. He looks up at you. "Hey there" he says and looks you up and down with a smirk. Shit. You don't have a shirt on!! You stumble over a bag and get your shirt to put it on again.

You walk up to the window again. "Sorry bout that" you say and he laughs a bit. Silence. He takes another smoke. "You know Smokings bad for you." You say and cross you arms, now leaning against your window. "Your one of those huh?" He says and giggles. You roll your eyes. He was really pretty actually. "What language were you speaking before?" You say. "German" he says and looks down at the grass.

All of sudden he drops his cig and starts opening his window even more, climbing out. "Hey Tom what are you doing?" You say and back away from the window as he gets closer. He falls in. "Uhh hi?" You say and look at him on the floor. He stands up and looks you in your eyes. His face is so close. "I see that you might need some help over here?" He asks and looks around. You turn around to look at the mess. "A pretty girl like you can't do this alone in this heat." He says and starts opening your bags. "Hey geez you can take my plushies" you say and point towards a bag. He opens it and gets to work. Your putting away your clothes.
As you bend over to get the last two shirts you can feel something slap your ass. You stand up quickly. "What was that?!" You yell and turn around to see Tom standing with his hands above his head like someone was pointing a gun to his head. "I just wanted to see how you were doing over here, I finished putting away your toys." He said and laughed at his own joke. "Their not toys their plushies it's different" you say as you press the shirts you were holding against his chest. "And I was doing fine without your hands on my ass" you say and he smirks at you. He picks the shirts up and puts them in your drawer.

A while later your almost finished and it's looking really great! "Tom what the hell are you doing over there Gustav and Georg is here for rehearsals!" you hear a voice shout and Tom goes towards the window. It was bill. "Sorry princess but I'll see you tomorrow." He said and smirked. You blush at the word princess but try to hide it. He smiles. "What?" You say and try to not act bothered. "Your so cute when your blushing" he says looking proud of himself. "Yeah, yeah whatever go now." You say and try to hide your smile. "No goodnight kiss?" He says and leans over to you smirking. "Just go now!" You say laughing and pushing him out. He climbed into his room again and you see bill slapping the back of his head saying something in German again. "GOOD NIGHT Y/N-." He gets out before bill pushes him out of the room.

My tik tok is alvaxth and I write stories there too so check that out! 💖
Hopefully we can get some veiws with this💋
/Alva wrote this chapter

A rockstar boyfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن