Am i just a slut to you..?

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"Let's take it from the begging"

She sighs and looks in the air searching for words. I know something Bads about to happened.

"It started when my dad once found out my mom cheated. My mom was the one always working, getting us money so my dad couldn't leave her." She moves her hands as she speaks. Poor girl. "When my mom realized this she started bringing home more men. It ended up with her fucking new people every day. My father was heartbroken for months. One day I had enough of it and I tried to talk to her. Scream at her. Anything to get her attention. It ended up with me getting beat up. Everyday, new man, new bruises." She started speaking quieter.

My eyes widend at every sense she spoke. How could anyone do something like that to this sweet girl..?

"Some men tried talking to her, saying she shouldn't hit me. Some even told me they loved my mother. After a while my mom started to realize none of these men wanted more than a one night stand and got heartbroken every time they left. And guess who she took it out on?" I swallowed and looked down at my feet. Oh my god.

"One night my dad couldn't take it, he divorced her and he got custody after a while of fighting in court. My mom has been texting him every week since telling him I need to come live with her. After a year she got one year custody of me and now I'm here. Mark is just another random man she met for a one night stand and you know the rest." She sighed and her shoulders dropped. I felt a huge lump in my throat. I didnt know what to say. Was I supposed to stay quiet? Or maybe say I'm sorry?

All these thoughts In my mind got disturbed as she spoke up again. "Tom?" She said. I stopped and We both looked over at eachother. We stared into eachothers eyes for what it felt like forever until she grabbed my face and kissed me with those soft lips again.

She pulled away and smile at me. Oh y/n.. How beutiful She is. She grabbed my hand and We kept on walking. 


We arrived at school. Tom never loosend his grip of my hand. He made me feel protected in a way my parents never could.

"Hey y/n I'm going to the bathroom I'll see you in science Alr?" Tom tells me and I nod happily. He Leans in and kisses my forehead before leaving.

As I start making my way to class I hear someone call my name. "Y/n.. right?" A girl that I never seen before asks. "Yeah, is this one of Janice pranks again because then I think you should fuck off" you say crossing your arms. "No! I'm just here to warn you about Tom.. he is kind of a player. He gets new girls everyday, new sluts everyday. I think he probably see's you as a slut" she says proudly. I felt a piece of my heart break. Was he going to play me..? Was I just one of his sluts? "Thank you" I said quietly and walked away to science.

Of course I can't just assume that she wasn't lying.. But I mean... I really like him... I sat down drowning in my thoughts, looking down at my shoes.

"Y/n??" U hear Tom calling my name and I look up to see him waving his hand to get my attention. "Sorry I didn't see you.." I said and looked down at my shoes again. "Are you okay?" He asked and held up to my face. Tears are forming in my eyes. I can't take it anymore.

I ran out of class and looked towards the nearest way to get air. I rush out of the doors and air down leaning against the school wall.

Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath  Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath
Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath  Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath  Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath Breath breath breath breath breath breath breath

I needed air. I felt my breathing get heavier and heavier.

air air air air
air air air air air air air air air air
air air air air air air air air air air air
air air air air Air air air
air air air air air air air air air air air air air
air air air air air air air air air air air air air air Air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air Air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air Air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air Air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air Air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air Air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air Air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air air
air ai-

"Y/N BREATH!" Tom yelled as I came back to reality. He was sitting in front of me on his knees holding my face. My breathing calmed down. Tears fell down my face. Could the only person I trusted with my secret be playing me?

"Tom.. am I just a slut to you..?" I got out through my sobbs. His eyes widend. He just stared at me for a few seconds before pulling me in for a hug and sat down also leaning to the wall as he picked me up and put me in his lap as i quietly sobbed again in his shoulder. "Shh.. shhh.." i heard him whisper as he stroked my hair. "Never y/n... you could never be..." he whisperd.


I walked into class. As usual I got scolded for being late. I walked towards the seat next to y/n. She looked worried. "Hey" i whispered and sat down. She was whispering to herself and didn't notice me. "Y/n?" I whispered a bit louder and closer to her. Oh for fucks sake. "Y/n??" I said loudly now. " sorry didn't see you.." she replied. Something was very wrong. I asked her about it. She looked up at me with teary eyes. All of the sudden she runs out tears running down her rosy cheeks.

I run after her directly. She ran outside and I followed. I sat down infront of her. Shit shit shit shit she was breathing super fast. "Breath" i said. Nothing happend. She started getting pale in her face. Oh nonono... "y/n?!" I yelled carefully. She was gonna pass out. "Y/N BREATH!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. She looked up at me, her breathing starting to slow down. Thank god. More tears ran down her face.

"Tom.. am I just a slut to you..?" She whispers sobbing. My heart dropped. Why would she think that..? She was heartbroken.. I didnt Even know what to do.

I sat down next to her and picked her up. This sweet girl... "no y/n... you could never be" i whispered with tears forming In my eyes.

After a while of just laying there I helped her up and hugged her. "Let's go skip science with bill Alr?" I asked her.



I feel like there needs to be some more drama so there will be...

Also should be name y/n a name or smt? I feel like y/n is weird

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