vodka straight from the bottle

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He was on his knees with his face in his hands crying..?

"Tom.. I-I.." I didn't know what to do... should I comfort him? (Yes you stupid bitch)

"I-I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry.." Tom sobbed as he sat there and cried his heart out. Bill came running down the stairs and held Tom. I should've been there. I should've held him. But I didn't... (stupid b)

Tom sobbed in bills arms and I wanted to go up to him, comfort him, tell him everything was okay... but I didn't...

I wanted to go up to him so he could hold me, tell me he's sorry... but I didn't... I just sat in the couch like some moron and watched as he cried, feeling a few tears roll down my face too.


There I was, in bill's arms, wishing it was hers... I wanted to walk up to her and tell her how sorry I am. But I didn't...

I wanted to wipe away those tears on her face and tell her it was never gonna happened again... but I didn't. I just laid there on the floor like some moron.


All these thoughts running through my head I just stood up and left. I stood up from their couch and exited their home, I regretted it the moment I stepped outside.

I just ran, I has no idea where but I just ran, with tears steaming down my face. (That stupid fucking-)

After a while of running I just decided to stay and rest on the side of the street, alone.

I just sat there, probably all day, it was Starting to get dark, and I cried and thought about what I was gonna do. I decided to talk to him, maybe they didn't have sex... maybe Tom didn't want her there...

I walked home again. As I opened the door I saw bill sitting on the couch his leg shaking. "Oh god y/n your back... oh god.." bill looked really stressed. "Where's Tom?" I asked looking up the stairs expecting him to walk down. "I don't know.. he left. He didn't think you would be returning... he was so sad y/n..." my heart dropped. I had to find him. "I'm taking your car" I held out my hand in front of him and he handed me his car key.

After driving around for some time I saw a bar. I decided to check if he was In there. As I walked Doug of the car there were so many drunk people just stumbling around the building. It felt like the walking dead.

As I entered I looked around. No signs of any Tom... wait... I saw a guy with dreadlocks sitting all the way in the back drinking vodka straight from the bottle.

I walked up to him and there he was. Tom... "hey baby~" he was clearly very drunk... he walked up to me and stumbled around for a bit. "Oh Tom.. let's go home... I'll talk with you when your sober..." I said and started helping him out in the car. He tried to kiss me multiple times but I denied it.

When we came home bill rushed out. "God Tom don't ever do that again!" Bill yelled and hugged him. "Huh?" Tom mumbled and stumbled around a bit but I caught him. We need to get inside." I said and bill walked inside letting me take care of him. "He needs sleep" I told bill and we walked up the stairs to his room. The place where I used to love the most had became super uncomfortable.. I put him on the bed and tucked him in before grabbing a blanked and laying on the floor. Tom was so drunk he fell asleep immediately.

Next day yay

I woke up before Tom. I sat up and looked to see that he was still there, he must've heard me sit up because I saw him stretch and then look to his side to see me. His happy face turned into a frown. "Y/n.." he mumbled.

Suddenly he burst into tears again. "I'm so sorry y/n please eh let me explain..." he cried. This time I actually decided to comfort him because we needed to talk. "shh... calm down.." I hugged him and he cried into my chest. "Shh.. if we're gonna talk you have to calm down..." I said and he tried to calm down in my arms.

"Now I want you to tell me one thing, why'd you let her?" I asked afraid of his answer. "I- uhm... she frightens me... a lot. When I was a kid she uh... convinced me to.. fuck her." He said truthfully making my heart drop even though I already knew.

"Y-y/n.." he said and I could hear his voice shaking like he was about to burst into tears all again. "Yes Tom?" I said as I stroked his back gently. "Please don't be mad with me... please..." Tom begged as he held in his tears. I sighed, my breath shaking. "What is it Tom..?" I asked him now more afraid then ever. Just watching him lay in my arms crying. I've never seen Tom like this before. "Y/n- last night... last night she.."

"She raped me y/n..."




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