Is that all you ever think about?

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I punched him in the face and backed of, putting my fists up ready for him. His nose is bleeding after my punch "Fuck you.. your a girl you can't hit me!" He charged towards me with hands raised and when he tries to punch I dodged and punch him in the side of his torso instead.

You can hear Tom coming out of the bathroom but your so riled up you don't bother reacting and kick Josh in his private area (A/N: ouch, felt that)

Tom grabs you and pulls you away just as a teacher walks into the room. "What happened here? Why is Josh on the ground?!" The teacher walks up to josh and helps him up. "It was that freak! She punched me for no reason at all!" Josh says while pointing at me. "No reason? You grabbed my waist after I told you I had a boyfriend!" Tom wraps his arms around me from behind and look at the teacher, making sure she believes me. "Did you put your hands around her waist Josh?" The teacher asks and changes her gaze towards him. "Yes, but she can't beat me because of th-" "I heard enough. Josh your following me to the principals office."

As they walk away, far enough so they can't hear you you start to laugh a bit. "Wow.. that was kinda hot baby.." Tom says while hugging you tighter. "Really Tom? Is that all you ever think about?" I jokingly look at him with a disappointed look before walking away. "Skipping today to? I mean we were called out of class.." just then my back hits something. Mrs.Kelly, the principal "not so fast young lady, we are going to have a chat first.. you to Mr.kaulitz! Come here" You both follow her into her office and she points for you to sit down on two chairs that have been placed in front of her desk.

"I already talked to Josh and have his side of the story.. now I need to hear both of yours." She began while opening her computer, getting ready to type.

—Time skip because ya'll know what happened—

"Hmm.. well.. your going to have detention for a week for what you done! However.. if I were to say this not as your principal but as a person who heard your story, I say it's alright, but don't do it again, alright?" Mrs.Kelly says while closing her computer. "Yes yes.. we won't do it again, can we leave now?" Tom replies with a bored voice, having sat here for way longer than needed. "Yea you may.. have a good weekend!" Tom stands up and drags you out of her office, then hugs you "Fuck.. detention really?.. let's hope we're alone in the detention room then, if you know what I mean" Tom winked and I felt my face turn red. "Tom! Why do you always go there!?" I say while starting to walk out of the building, I wanted to go back home so bad. "You know, that fight.. wow.." he says and runs to you, grabbing your waist and sighs "Ugh.. I just wanna be home now.." he complains, and he continues to do so all the way until they reach his house.

"Finally!" He unlocks the door and turns off the security alarm. Tom looks at you with a grin before picking you up and running up the stairs to his bedroom. "Tom! Stop ittttt! Put me down!" I yell and he throws me onto his bed. "Haha, sorry I just love carrying you y/n"

*sorry for the short chapter but it was supposed to be smut here but I can't write that! Sorry!*

A rockstar boyfriendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ