School, again.

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I woke up in toms arms. I sat up and groaned, it was school, again. "Toom... babyyy..." I mumbled and nuzzled my face in his neck. He woke up and yawned. He kissed my head. "Morning darling~" he said with his raspy, German voice. I smiled and leaned in to his touch, I wanted him so badly... and I think he noticed. "We have school darling, we can't... not now." He said and picked me up. He walked with me to the drawers. "What do you wanna wear baby?" He asked. I yawned before answering. "I dont know, maybe my miniskirt and long sleeves black top..?" I mumbled, he got my clothes out. "Should I put them on you?" He said, I could hear that he was trying not to laugh. "Yes please..." I mumbled and he started putting my miniskirt on my legs, obviously admiring my body as he did. "There we go..." he put me on my back on the bed and put my shirt on, making sure to squeeze my boobs as he did. I giggled and hit his arm playfully. "Perv!" I yelled. "Oh but you love me." Tom grinned and I stood up and stuck my tongue out at him. He stuck his tongue out too. Before I could think about it, he pulled in and our tongues touched. I giggled but he kept kissing me. He didn't wanna stop.

Time skip

I grabbed my bag. "Ready to go?" I asked him as he rushed in with his dreads slightly wet from our shower. I had of course blown my hair, but I didn't want to. "Yea!" Bill also came in and smiled. "I'm ready too!" Before we walked out, i felt a slap on my ass. I gasp and jumped around. "Tom, you little perv! Stop doing that!" I chuckled. Tom just grinned and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. "Tom, my skirt!" I yelled. "Jesus Tom, leave the poor girl alone!" Bill chuckled. Tom held my ass with his hand so people couldn't see. "Never." Tone replied as bill locked the door and we all started walking.

When we came to school he put me down. "Thank you!" I sighed. Bill needed to get to class, so he ran away. Tom walked behind me, holding my waist like a protective shield. A few girls walked up to him. "Oh my god, Tom kaulitz!!" They all shrieked and took pictures of him. I could see Toms as clearly annoyed, he hated when people took pictures without asking. "Can y'all actually leave..? I'm just tryna have a normal day..." Tom said, they didn't care. A girl hugged him and kissed his cheek, he wiped it away and pushed her off. "Don't. I have a girlfriend." The bell rang and he picked me up and started walking.

"Jesus, their obsession had gotten worse... or maybe you've just became hotter." I shrugged and Tom kissed me. "You know I only want you." I smiled. "I know" I clinged into him and kissed his neck. "Baby, your driving me insane" he mumbled, his voice raspy again. "I know..."


Short chapter

I'm rlly sorry for being so late

I'm taking a little break from the story...

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