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When Neo woke up, he could tell he was not in his cave. There were shiny things, and metal things, and rocky things, and blinky things...! So many different things! What was he even looking at?

His cave did not have anything like this. Not at all. His cave had rocks: his favorite blue stones, and then just plain rock. That was it. Outside was outside, and this was definitely not outside, either. What was he even laying on right now? It was firm, but it was soft, too; it was weird. It was big. Where was he?! What was this?!

Where was home?

What happened...?

Sitting up, he tried to remember. Something did happen... right? His head felt fuzzy, but his body did not hurt anymore. He felt much better now. Yes... That was bringing something back to him. He was hurting before. Something hit him on his head. What, though? Why?

It didn't take long for that to come to him, too.

His home had one of those big rumbles, and the walls cracked. The little organic, Jack, had been with him. Did he get hurt? Oh no... He hoped he didn't. Being hurt did not feel good. Being lost didn't feel good, either, and he was very, very lost right now. He wasn't home anymore. This was definitely not home. Where was 'home'? He searched through his memory files, trying to figure out what happened before everything went dark again.

The sight of burning trees and wilting grass... Crumbled hand-drawn pictures on the once firm, rocky walls... Pain... Hope... Devastation...

"Hic..." Whirls and clicks echoed from him as his voice hiccuped from his distress. He curled up, hiding his face behind his knees as he wept. Vividly, the images flashed through his mind. Blasts clashed endlessly, as did the sound of metal and agonized screams.

They all got hurt... Everyone was hurting each other. Why? He couldn't fathom the reason for it. Their bodies fell and never got back up, leaking a blue that ceased to glow into the waters where the fish swam.

Neo couldn't understand it. Even his favorite mechs, the large blue and red one, and the silver one who found him and kept him safe... they were hurting each other. Why did they hurt each other?

The sight of his two favorite mechs clashing like that... was familiar somehow.

Something in him mourned.

Something in him ached.

Why was something so saddening familiar?

Glowing tears fell, and he tried to stop them. He wiped them away with his hands. Though that didn't work, so he simply hid his face with his cables. His voice box hiccuped, whirls and clicks becoming louder at the familiar pain in his spark.

I don't know why...

He was realizing that there were a lot of things he didn't know. Not just about the world around him, but himself. It was sinking in for him now. His young mind didn't stay on the subject long though, because there was something more important that was wrong.

He didn't know if the mechs he knew were 'safe for him' were safe in general. Were they hurt somewhere? Did they fall and not get up again? The hiccups in his voice grew louder at the thought. No. He didn't want that to be true. He wanted them okay. They had to be okay.

He pulled on his bonds. He knew they could tell when he did that. He could understand them when they did that, and the reverse was true. He didn't know a lot of words, but they didn't need a lot of words to know what he was asking.

The Neo Spark [Transformer's Prime X Neo (OC)]Where stories live. Discover now