4 | ᴄᴜʀɪᴏꜱɪᴛʏ

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He watched them as closely as he could since they came to his 'home'. It had been many weeks, and he could tell that they weren't as scary as he first thought they were.

In the beginning, they were absolutely terrifying. They were not gentle like the birds or the deer, or even the grumpy fish! They were wreaking the walls with giant fists and blast weapons. And they aimed those things at him whenever he made a mistake and almost got caught!

It was scary. They were scary. His 'home' didn't feel safe anymore. Whatever they were doing, it made the cave walls rumble ominously. It wasn't as bad in his 'home' in the deepest parts, but they were at the entrance and those within the middle-depth of the cave. He couldn't leave without being spotted, and he didn't want to be caught by scary, giant somethings.

He felt... trapped. For the first time, he felt trapped. It was a horrible new feeling he wanted to go away as he wiped his shiny tears.

He had to observe them. Maybe, they would make a mistake and he could find an opportunity to flee. Yes. That sounded good, so that is what he did.

The huge green one was smashing all of the rocks around the Energon to get it out. His acquisition was particularly messy, and a lot terrifying for him to watch. This mech was very strong and could hurt him easily. So, he would scurry away quickly with the small tunnels hidden in the cave.

Then, he'd find a yellow one that beeps a lot. He wasn't as violent as the green one, but he wasn't gentle either. He would blast the walls near the ground to get the energon there, putting it in a giant bin and wheeling it through that weird, swirly thing and disappearing.

That swirly thing must be their 'home'. He assessed. What a strange home. Where are the rocks?

The only home he'd known was full of rocks.

The smallest blue one would do the precision-blast thing too, but she was more precise with it. Going after the smaller pieces to fill her own quota. She was the most cautious of them, though, and was ready to blast wherever he was if he wasn't careful.

Though she would stop for some reason before she did anything.

For days, for weeks, he watched them closely. All of his lights were grayed to nothing to hide in the natural darkness. He used tunnels he'd found to move to and from without being seen. Though stretching his body to do so, while quick, did not feel good at all.

He was literally dislocating everything to fit into the small spaces, a skill he didn't know he had until he needed to use it. But that was a question for another day.

The big somethings were meticulous with their guarding of the entrance. It seemed they were especially serious about securing his home. But why? They could find blue stones somewhere else—he could sense them, vaguely—so, why?

The more he watched the more he realized the answer. They didn't seem particularly bad, per se. It was more of a desperation in their movements that made him pause and think more.

It only took a second for it to click that maybe they couldn't find the blue stones anywhere as he could. He could tell instinctively that while they were similar, they were not the same as him. He was... different. Something about him was very different from them.

He didn't actually need energon to sustain himself. But they do. They need it. He thought. The revelation made him take a step back from his fear. Only a step though. He continued to watch them, curiously and cautiously.

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