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Walking slowly, he reached the mouth of the cave. His eyes had to adjust to the change in light, as he'd been living in darkness since he came online. What he saw when he stepped out left him in complete awe.

"Oh...!" He gasped. There were large brown trees with vibrant green leaves on every branch. The grass on the new ground he stepped on was soft, completely unlike his cavern home. The sun was settling on the horizon, so the sky was flush with pinks and oranges. Little birds were watching him, and there were even some tiny deer grazing after taking in his sudden appearance.

He was seeing many different colors he'd never seen before. He was seeing creatures he'd never seen before. His eyes whirled, taking everything in with rapt attention. He recorded everything he saw.

{Fauna Files: Updated.}
{Flora Files: Updated.}
{Internal Map: Updated. Position Point Saved.}

With a giddy sense of wonder, he carefully continued to wander around. He took in everything: The little ponds of water and the fish that swam there; The flowers that were hidden in the blades of tall grass; The tiny fruits that filled the branches of some of the trees...

So pretty! He thought. Everything was extremely pretty to him, who had seen nothing but rocks and his favorite blue stones. He let his fingers glide through the cold water, watching in fascination as it became shinier when he pulled it back out.

"Hm...?" This was new. He must have had dust on him from his home. Finer pieces of rock did tend to fall on him when he collected his blue stones. He didn't mind it though. It didn't bother him that he was a little dusty.

"Oh..." The fish he was watching didn't like it though and swam away. That saddened him a little bit.

They were so tiny. He was much bigger than everything he was seeing. Well, there were trees bigger than him. But all of the animals were probably no bigger than his arm. Though he didn't know if he was actually really big or tiny. He didn't think it mattered much.

So on his curious adventure, he continued, and yet another new routine had been made.

Since he didn't need to collect any more blue stones for a very long while, he would rest in his 'home' and watch them glow when he woke. Then, he would continue to map out the cave just to pass the time, discovering numerous routes he could take from his 'home' to 'outside', which had quickly become his favorite place.

Here, he could practice running without worrying about injuries. If he fell, he landed on soft grass instead of hard stone. There was a lot more space than in his cavern, so there wasn't a worry about him bumping into things. When he finished doing that, he would watch the animals go about their days.

They were curious about him too, often coming to him when he came out. He was nervous though. He never encountered something that could move before. Something alive. But the more it happened, the less apprehensive he felt.

They would not hurt him, nor could they, really. He was bigger than them. His metal armor gave him protection, for the most part. They didn't seem to want to hurt him, anyway. They were more curious than anything, and so was he.

So after many days and nights of getting to know each other, he began to ease into comfort around them. Every day he'd wander with them, pet them, and simply observe them. He didn't know what he was doing was playing. Having fun.

"Ahaha!" Today was the same as he followed the little birds again. The birds liked him, and would often flutter around him when he came out, tweeting their little songs to him. He'd mimic the sound back, and that seemed to make them very happy.

After running around in the early morning sun, he would sit by the pond and watch the fish swim. He knew now not to put his hands in the water. Fish do not like being touched. But watching was fine, so he did. He would observe their glittering scales and compare them to his metal. His metal was shiny too, were they made of metal like him? He didn't think so.

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