Chapter 1: Rewards ceremony (oh goodie!)

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This includes Hades and Hestia gaining thrones on the Olympian council. They are both children of Kronos as well and deserve their spots."

Zeus grumbled a bit, but with some stares from the 2 gods in question, he relented. 2 new thrones appeared, one that was black, covered in jewels and bones, and a small crown of flowers at the top, while the other was a throne made of wood and fire, coexisting, and giving off a cozy feeling.

Hades and Hestia ran up to me, giving me a hug and their thanks before walking to their respective thrones.

"For my first wish, I would like a way to instantly travel between Olympus, Camp Half-Blood, and Camp Jupiter,"

"Very well, after this meeting, I will have Apollo, Hades, and Hephaestus, and Athena work on that. However, teleporting to Olympus will only work if allowed by a god."

"Thank you, Lord Zeus. For my second wish, I wish for a partial immortality field around Camp Half-Blood and specific parts of Camp Jupiter so campers will be stronger and can live longer, should they want to."

"This is a big ask, are you sure."

"Yes, Lord Zeus, I am sure."

"Very well, it shall be done. Now, for your third wish?"

"I wish for Lord Dionysus's punishment as Camp Half-Blood's director to be removed. Chiron is a good director, and Dionysus hates his already unfair punishment with every fiber of his being."

Dionysus almost fell off his chair, and everyone, including the gods, looked at me as if me asking for that had never crossed their minds.

"It is within my power, so I must accept. Dionysus, your punishment is officially over. Now, Perseus, what is your final wish?"

"I'll be honest, Lord Zeus, this is the biggest one yet."

"Just tell us Perseus, so we can continue what we were doing before this."

"Very well, Lord Zeus. I wish for the ancient laws keeping gods from seeing their children and fighting in wars to be disbanded."

The entire throne room fell silent, the gods looking upon me with silent gratitude and happiness. Zeus bowed his head.

"If I may be honest, Percy?" Zeus asked, his head still bowed. "I wanted for you to ask this. I think it would be good for us gods to see our children, and it would help prevent something like the modern titan war from happening again." At this, he looked up, tears of happiness and freedom threatening to spill from his eyelids. "I would have been bound by my own laws to not change them, so I thank you, Percy, for allowing us gods to truly visit and see our children again."

"It-it is my honor, Lord Zeus."

"Please, no more Lord or Lady nonsense, you have earned the respect of the gods, you have no more need to be so formal. NOW, WHO WANTS TO CELEBRATE AT CAMP HALF-BLOOD?" Zeus yelled, standing up.

The gods flashed us to Camp and went to get the Romans and Hunters. Soon, all three were at camp Half-Blood celebrating, partying, and talking with their children/parents.

Near midnight, as everything started to die down, some gods approached me. Hades thanked me again, Athena gave me her condolences with what happened with Annabeth, but she gave me her blessing to marry her, which was shocking. Then it was Apollo, thanking me for helping him through his time as a mortal and giving me a gold bow that can turn into a gold ring as a personal reward from him. Then Hephaestus, who told me that his forge was always open if I needed something built.

Then Dionysus, who surprisingly wasn't drunk. He thanked me for lifting his punishment, calling me "one of the only decent demigods out there," and gave me his blessing. I will never have hangovers and can not go insane. After him, it was Hestia, thanking me again and offering me the place as her champion. I accepted, of course. I can control fire to a mild extent, though not as good as Leo, I can instill some hope into people, make them feel calm, and I can summon home cooked meals. Then was my father, Poseidon. He pulled me into a hug and told me how much he loved me and how proud of me he was. Finally, Zeus came to talk to me.

"Hello, Zeus."

"Hello, Percy. I must thank you. I think you have brought upon a new era of peace"

"Yeah... if only the others were here to experience it."

"Thinking of the fallen?"

"Yeah," I say as I look down at the stump I'm sitting on. Shortly after Athena had given me her blessing to marry Annabeth, I went and sat on a stump right outside the party to process.

"Me too. I have thought of Jason every day since I heard the news. Along with the Castellan kid, Artemis's ex-lieutenant, and all the others down in Elysium. I think of them often. It's getting harder for me to understand why I just let it all happen."

"It's because you grew."


"I don't mean physically, I mean, as a leader and as a god. I think from here on out, you and the rest of the gods will continue to change for the better. The modern world, being able to see your kids, regretting your past actions, and remembering the fallen will all make you less self-absorbed and arrogant than you used to be."

"I think you're right, my boy,"

"My boy?" I question, raising one of my eyebrows.

"Yes. You call me Zeus, I will call you my boy. At least in private. You really seemed to do the impossible. You made us gods change for the better, not with threats, but with selflessness and patience, and even now, we are still changing. In fact... I, Zeus, king of the gods, give Percy Jackson my blessing. He will be allowed in my domain and will be able to summon and hold lightning."

I stare, shocked (pardon my pun) at Zeus. "Are you serious? Like 100% serious? Like not drunk at all?"

He claps his hand on my shoulder."No, my boy, I am serious. Now I must go, or else the rest of the gods will question why I've been gone for so long. And please, Percy, keep this between us."

"I will, Zeus."

"Thank you, my boy."

And he walked away. The next visitor I got was my Wise Girl, Annabeth.

"Hey Seaweed Brain."

"Hey, Wise girl."

"Do you want to talk about the whole... immortality thing?"

"No, I just want to dance."

She smiled and came up to me, putting her hands on my hip and hand so we could silently dance together.

We swayed back and forth, dancing to sweet nothing, just enjoying the closeness, and I whispered to her.

"I love you forever, Wise Girl."

"And I you, Seaweed Brain."

After about an hour of dancing, we both said goodnight and headed to our cabins to sleep.

And I had a dream...

(A/N: First chapter done! This is my first fan fiction and written story ever, but I really hope whoever reads this likes it. I decided that my first story would be fanfiction because I wanted some practice before writing my own stories. I will try to update this story fairly often, but it's easier to type on a keyboard, so specific weeks may have fewer updates. Action-ish stuff will start pretty soon.)

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