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        We sat in the car at the parking lot of the gas station, it was silent except for the air conditioning blowing into the car

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        We sat in the car at the parking lot of the gas station, it was silent except for the air conditioning blowing into the car. I hear a snap sound and then a sizzling, I lift my head and finally tear my gaze away from my tear soaked sleeves. Schlatt extends a can of monster energy towards me.

"Here.. I thought you might be thirsty.." He offers, I reach my hand out and take it from him, when my fingers brush against his it only makes me more embarrassed. I take a sip and avoid eye contact with him. "Uh.. y'know, I was trying to protect you back there.."

"I know.." I mutter, my lips against the metal of the can.

"Because I.. I care about you" he shrugs and places a hand on the back of his neck, he looks up at the ceiling and sighs. "Like.. a lot"

I swallow and bit on my bottom lip to hold back anymore tears. "Thanks.. I just.." I lower the can to my lap and hold it with one hand while my other rests on my thigh. "It's nice to hear that.. and, I wanna say sorry for crying.. on you, or.. some shit.." I look out my window. "When you told me what happened.. I got upset.." I admit.

"Uhm.. c-can I know what happened that made you so scared of public bathrooms..?" His hand grabs my free hand, I look back at him and see him looking out his own window.

"It's pretty stupid and simple.. Tyler and I went into a gas station, I went to the bathroom while he looked for the shit we wanted.. then someone somehow got the bathroom door I locked unlocked and tried to grab me-- I ran to Tyler obviously, but.. he just told me to shut my mouth and that I should've just stayed quiet and let it happen so I didn't cause a scene.. god.." I tear up. "I'm so fucking stupid, why didn't I break up with him then?!" I begin to cry again. He takes my can from my hand and places it in one of the cupholders. I wipe my tears with my now free hand as he holds my other one.

"Sid.." He whispers, I sniffle and only hide my face from him. He let's go of my hand and grabs the sides of my face, turning my face to him. "If.." He glances away from me before looking back. "If I was your boyfriend, I'd never do that to you.." His eyes stare at mine and I stare straight back. Suddenly, his eyes seemed so fucking beautiful, it felt like I just wanted to hug him forever, and I couldn't stop staring, and as I stared, I felt my heart weigh down as if it was so full of obsession that I was gonna pass out. And.. this felt weird and embarrassing to say, but.. I wanted to just fucking kiss him. "You alright..?" He asks. I stare at him with wide eyes that I couldn't see to blink away, I nod and he smiles. "Good.. uh.." He looks around with his eyes before he leans over and kisses my forehead. "I-If you.. are upset again, just.. just tell me.." He let's me go and sits back in his seat. "We should get back on the road again"

"Uhm.. yeah..! Y-Yeah, let's do that.." I nervously smile and fall back into my seat. Was this how Snagglepuss felt when he met Lila? "Maybe we could listen to some music so we don't get bored either?"

"I have a portable charger but I don't want to just waste battery because of music, how about we tell childhood stories!" Schlatt suggests as he sets the car in drive.

"Ooh, yeah. I'll go first, what kinda story do you wanna hear?" I grin, buckling my seat belt.

He thinks for a moment. "How about.. how you and Tyler met"

My grin falls. "Come on, is that just to ruin the moment? Fuck that guy--!"

"No..! No, I just.. I'm curious how you fell in love with a shitbag like him-- I-I'm sorry, it was stupid, just-- ignore I said that" He shakes his head and tries to move on to a new question.

"Fine-- uh, no.. I'll tell you, because now I feel bad.." I mumble. "I was.. on my way home from school and he was skating with his friends, he whistled at me and I like really fucking fell in love because he was a skater boy and he spoke to me first.." I place a hand on my chest and watch as Schlatt focuses on driving out of the parking lot as he listens.

"Wait-- do you like Cooper? He's a skater boy.. and he spoke to you first!" He shouts, shocked at the connection he made.

"No! No!" I yell back. "No way! Cooper and I do not work well as a couple that's for sure, he's my friend-- that's it.. sure, I just described him.. but that's the bad type to date" I point a finger in the air.

"So, you're saying people shouldn't date people like Cooper?" He questioned.

"Anyways--!" I move on. "One day Tyler invited me to skate with his friends, keep in mind it was a week after I met him.. and I accepted, we went to a skatepark and that was where we first kissed, in the dirty vomit stained bathrooms" I went further on with the story, Schlatt grimaces at my choice of words.

"You gotta learn how to kiss better people and kiss them in better places" He gags. "A skatepark bathroom? Seriously?" He glances at me before he looks back in front of him.

"Shush-- shut up! It was romantic at the time.. I was fifteen, I just wanted someone to love. But yeah, after that we were dating.. then broke up three years fucking later.." I pout and slouch into my seat. "Look.." I huff, I grab my can of monster energy when he stops at a red light. "Back then, when I was thirteen and an idiot, my science teacher said something that will always stick with me for the rest of my life.. he said: no matter what, you will always have someone; platonic or romantic, you always have someone who cares, no matter how many times you fight, you always end up forgiving each other.." I tell him before I take a sip of my drink and set it back in the cup holder.

"But did you ever stop to think Tyler just wasn't that person and it was someone else?"

I lift my head, making eye contact with him. "Yeah.." I shrug, hating the fact that he had said something I agreed with. "Stay out of my love life, Schlatt"

"Alright..! Alright..!" He lifts his hands up in defense before the light turns green and he begins to drive again.

"That was the end of my story-- ooh! How about you and Skylar?" I coo, poking his arm with my finger.

He rolls his eyes. "Eh, I don't know.. it's not really as cool and lovey dovey as kissing in the skatepark bathrooms" He hums.

"Oh, shut the fuck up. I told you my shit story so now tell me yours" I grumble.

"Fine!" He complies. "We were uh.. we met a year ago.. we weren't good friends-- in fact, we met on a bad note and she hated me.. then, as of.. two months ago I'd say? We kinda became friends-- well.. I'd like to think that.. but she had a shitty ass boyfriend, luckily I got them to break up. Then we were walking in the rain one day.. and I confessed, I just blurted it out instead of keeping it bottled up like I.." He pauses for a moment. "..did with you.." He whispers under his breath. "And we got together and have been madly in love ever since!"

"You guys haven't kissed?" I look at him confused. "Well, makes sense, you guys have been dating under two months right?" I ask.

"U-Uhm.. yep! Yeah, we did kiss though.. l-like a bunch, but I just don't feel comfortable giving details like you" he shrugs and sticks his nose in the air.

I laugh and nudge him lightly since he was driving. "You, ass" I joke. He chuckles and continues driving silently. "Your story seems way more romantic than mine.."

"Don't say that" He grins. "You and your bathroom kissing was super romantic!"

I smile and shake my head. I couldn't shake off the suspicious feeling that Skylar didn't know about this, about us running away.

Their story also felt familiar.


Froggie speaks!
Also I feel like everyone to live up to what Sidney said
No matter what, you will always have someone, platonic or romantic.

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