"Let's go. " ace said standing up ready to fly to the mountain. "It'll find someone better. "

Deadlock looked at the empty sky where the minicon last was. He lowered his face and transformed following ace.

They arrived back at the mountain, it was dark and both of them where tired.

Deadlock has not spoken a word, though ace respected that and left him be.

Deadlock was the first to go power down before ace layed down as well staring at the setting sky outside.

The minicon couldn't choose her, shes well... She's Ace. It is way to dangerous for it and her.

Her optics of-lined as she went into power down hoping deadlock understood it was the right choice.

It was early morning and ace was still in power down, though suddenly she felt a weight on her chest.

Within seconds she woke up and instinctively grabbed whatever was on her chest and threw it aside.

She suddenly heard a thud and a chirp sound as she looked to see the same minicon on his back flapping and got back on his feet.

He shook of his wings as deadlock woke up to the noise.

"He's back? " deadlock saw the minicon "how? "

"Little bastard must have followed us." She cursed loosing her patience.

"CAW!" the minicon agreed.

"Enough." She walked over to the minicon grabbing it.

The bot chirped in confusion though didn't struggle.

She walked to the entrance of the cave and deadlock following close behind.

"You can't choose me. " she demanded.

The minicon thought for a second before suddenly aces voice replayed back to her.  "*choose* *you*"

(Exactly How soundwave plays back recordings instead of talking, and because crows are good at repeating phrases.)

Deadlock and ace was speechless as the minicon continues squawking.

"THAT WAS SO CUTE! " deadlock said at ace still holding the minicon.

"It doesn't matter how 'cute' it is" she said "I'm not keeping it. "

"*i'm* *cute*" it replayed her words.

Deadlock giggled at the cuteness while it continued to repeat the frase 'I'm cute'.

Ace growled in annoyance, looking at the minicon still trapped in her hands.

"Oh come on, ace!" deadlock begged. "He chose you. Once a minicon chooses someone, they'll most likely stay with them for theirwhole life. "

"That's what concerns me. " she said.  "I can't keep it. "

Suddenly ace felt a pain in her hands as she saw the minicon biting her in anger.

"HYE! " she let go of the bot as it hovered next to her.

"Why won't you leave? " she asked her face hopeless grabbing the minicon once again.

The minicon paused and looked down sadly
"*Save yourself.*" it replayed a recording of a voice ace never heard.  "*Move on*"

Ace recognized the pain in the voice, who ever that was, was probably hurt.

Ace started to recognize what happened. "....That, that was your previous handler, wasn't it....Did they...did they die?"

The minicon lower his head, his eyes filled with sadness.

"Ace, his handler said move on, is that why he's here?" deadlock said.

Ace thought deeply, this minicon has lost someone they cared for....just like me....

Her gaze softened as she crouched down, gently placing the bot on the ground.

Her eyes where empty as she looked at the minicon in front of her.

"Listen... " she started, "... You can stay here for a while, but please, please, reconsider your choice. "

The minicons face lit up as he flapped his wings happily. Ace smiled as deadlock seemed very happy.

Ace stared at the blue sky, wondering if this decision was the right one.... Or if she'll eventually regret it.

The minicon seemed to notice this and hopped closer. Ace backed up, not wanting to get attached to this minicon.

Depite the small bots past, he was still willing to risk loving someone and maybe losing them again.

Later that afternoon ace sat watching the storm, closing her eyes while heavy rain patted around her.

Suddenly she felt pressure near her upper leg she looked down to see the minicon sitting tightly next to her.

She growled though the minicon seemed unfazed.
After a while the small bot powered down into a sleep completely trusting ace.

Ace looked at the sleeping minicon, she looked away as she quietly lifted her wing Over him keeping him dry from the rain.

Her face turned to sadnes, staring at the new friend she made, knowing very well she will regret it.

Some small detail I added cuz it adds ✨flavor✨:
Deadlock calls the minicon 'he/him' and Ace 'it/it's' showing her "dislike" towards him. This changes later on as she slowly starts to care for him.

Also, I made this.

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