24| Shooting Range

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Emiliano's Pov-

I shoved that fat ass out of the front seat and sat down. "Fuck you Emil," Elijah told me flipping me off as he got up. I closed the door and Nico turned on music.

"So y'all are going to the shooting range, so we can see some of your skills," Nico told us and we nodded. We listened to music as we drove to the building.

I opened my door and along with the rest of my brothers. We walked into the building. It is dark but bright enough to see. We heard someone shooting. As we walked further in we saw Marcello was the one shooting.

"Hey guys," he said spinning around looking at us. We walked over and he handed me the gun. "Shoot," he told me. I remembered all the years of camps and classes that we took of this stuff. I wrapped my hands around the gun and looked at the target. I put my finger and on the trigger. I pressed on it and shot the target right in the head. I fired again this time to the heart. I looked at Marcello and Nico and they smiled and had Easton come up and try. After Easton shot Elijah came up.

"I'm practicing for Alora's future boyfriend," Elijah said smiling shooting the target in the dick

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"I'm practicing for Alora's future boyfriend," Elijah said smiling shooting the target in the dick. We all just kinda stared at him. We all know when the twins start dating if we don't let Alora, grandma and our Zias will kill us.

"Oh shit guys I'll be back in a little bit coach needs help," Nico said going out to his car. Weird, but normal for him.

"I swear if he doesn't get back in 20 ima leave I have a date," Marcello told us.

"You can leave us here we wanna keep shooting," Easton told him. Elijah and me nodded.

"Ok well let me see how you throw knifes," Marcello said.

20 minutes later-

"Holy shit we get to play with gun!," Elijah screamed running around. We are in the boxing area of the shooting range. Elijah opened the door and ran out to go play. "GUNS!!!," he screamed. God damn how is he my brothers none the less my triplet. "What. The. Fuck," he yelled.

"What," I said walking out of the boxing room and Easton.

"Where the fuck are the guns?," Easton asked.

Elijah's pov-

"Where the fuck are the guns?," Easton asked.

"How the fuck are we supposed to know," Emiliano responded. I heard a creak come from behind me, so I turned around. I saw two big men.

"Oh hell no!," I screamed. I went over to the desk that's at the shooting range. My brothers ran over with me. We slammed the door shut.

"Grab part of the desk," Easton said as he flipped it over. We all grabbed a part of it and carried it.

"Let's go beat the fuck out of the fuckers," Emiliano said as we opened the door and ran out. We all sprinted and hit the men with the desk. They both fell back and the desk broke. They quickly reacted and got back up.

"You fuckers ruined my fun," I said and kicked one.

Easton's pov-

"Let me go you fat ass!," Elijah growled at the man. I ran over and punched the man.

"Don't you ever think about laying another hand on him," I growled into the man's ear. I held onto him and Elijah kicked and punched him. Then he did the same for me. Finally are guy collapsed. I scanned the room looking for Emiliano. I saw him sitting by the wall.

"The one I had passed out a little bit ago," he said. We nodded taking a breath. Elijah and me both sat by him. We heard a door open and we all shot up. Just as we were about to charge we heard Nico laughing at us.

"Omg, this was fucking gold," he said whipping his tears. "Y'all passed the test," he told us and we looked confused. "Every one of us has to take a test that you never know about until it happens. The test is to see what you would do if you were attacked," he explains. Nico called some of the medics to come get the two trainers. "Ready to head home?," he asked.

"Ya what time is it?," I asked.

"11pm," he responded.

"Holy shit," Elijah responded. About 25 minutes later we were home.

"Ok guys go get food," Nico told us. We all walked to the kitchen.

"Ima just lay here for a second," Elijah said curling up on top of the island.

"Dude same," I responded.

"Well I guess I will too," Emiliano spoke. The last thing I remember was Elijah snoring.

Nico's pov-

I walked into the kitchen because it was to quite for my liking. I turned the corner and saw Emiliano, Easton, and Elijah all dead asleep on the kitchen island. I got out my phone and took pictures of them and tried my best not to laugh. I went to the living room and grabbed blankets. I covered them all so they wouldn't get cold. 

(I'm so sorry for such a short chapter)

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