WRLD Full Of Hatred

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The world is a place filled with so much hate
It's a feeling that I just can't escape
From the moment I wake up to the time I go to bed
I must constantly face my own dread

I can't seem to find peace of mind
And I can't seem to escape this bind
The hatred that I feel is so strong
It takes away my will to move on

This feeling of hatred is so real
That I can almost touch and feel
It's like a dark cloud that follows me around
And I can't seem to shake it off the ground

I can't seem to find a way out
And I feel like I'm going to drown
But I won't give up, I have to fight
And somehow make this world alright

I have to find the courage to stand up
And try to make this world a better place
To spread love and light everywhere
And show others how to care

So let us all unite and make this world a better place
Let's spread love and kindness and erase the hate
Let's open our hearts and minds to each other
And show that love is much stronger than hate

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