Long Road Ahead

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The long road ahead is daunting, there's no denying
But I'll take it step by step, I'll keep on trying

The path is winding, the path is steep
It will be filled with challenges I'll have to keep

The rocks and potholes that I'll stumble upon
Will make me stronger, I won't be done

Though I may stumble, I will not fall
For I carry with me the courage to stand tall

The journey is long, and the destination seems far
But I'll keep my head up, and I'll drive my own car

No matter how hard the challenge I face
I'll keep on going with a steady pace

The road is long, and the end is not in sight
But I'll keep on pushing, I'll keep up the fight

The journey will be long, and it may be hard
But I'm ready for the challenge, I'm prepared for the guard

The long road ahead is daunting and tough
But I'm ready to take it, I have the right stuff

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