Dreams And Trauma

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I've been through hard times, moments of strife
Uncertainty and pain through life
But I still had a dream, a spark of hope
To drive me forward, to find a way to cope

I was determined, I stayed the course
Trusting in myself, that I could find my force
I kept my dream alive, and held it close
No matter the cost, I had to persevere the most

I faced my fears, and kept my stride
I pushed myself through every dark night
And as I chased my dream, deep within
I gained resilience, and the strength to win

There were times of joy and times of tears
But I never gave up, I was full of fears
I kept my head up, and never gave in
My dream was the one thing that kept me going

I faced my trauma, and all the pain
And I kept on going, despite the strain
I followed my dream, and kept my faith
And I eventually reached a place of grace

My dream has been realized
My journey was worth the prize
Each moment of pain and joy
Helped me to grow and deploy

My dream has been fulfilled
My trauma left behind
The strength I had within
Helped me to win

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